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God will NEVER FAIL us

This ties into the category of God-honoring His Word but is worthy to stand on its own. The reason I say this is because it is possible to be emotionally damaged by people who have made us promises that they never intended to keep. This is especially heartbreaking when those people who have failed us are our own parents. God is your Father, and He doesn’t want to be compared to an earthly father who doesn’t really care about his child. God is good to you. He will never lie to you. You can trust Him unwaveringly, for He will never let you down. Read these promises and take heart. God will make good on everyone.

1.1 SAMUEL 30:6 Now David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and his daughters. But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God.

DECLARATION OF FAITH When turmoil comes in like a flood, I will encourage myself in the Lord. I look to God and His Word for my confidence. When others fail me and forsake me, God takes His stand on my behalf. Together, we overcome any and every problem that I may face.

  1. 1 CHRONICLES 28:19,20 “All this,” D avid said, “I have in writing from the hand of the Lord upon me, a n d he gave me understanding in all the details of the plan.” David also said to So l om on his son ,“ Be strong and courageous , and do the work . Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God , my God , is with you .He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the Lord is finished .”

DECLARATION OF FAITH My Father gives me understanding in all that He has called me to do. I am well able to accomplish every task that is set before me. I have no reason to fear or be dismayed. I am strong and very courageous. I will not forget that my Father God is with me in everything that I do. He will not fail me. He sees to it that I have all that I need and stays with me as an ever-present help until all of the work is finished.

  1. Acc to EZRA 6:7-14, My heavenly Father cares for me continually. His abundant provision is with me in every enterprise I undertake. His royal treasury provides all that I need to do His will in this earth. Whatever I need is given to me daily and without fail. Therefore, I cannot be hindered or stopped. I offer myself as a living sacrifice before the Lord and continually pray for His leaders and children. I am under constant protection as God’s covenant partner. I am a member of the household of God. He has placed His name upon me and will overthrow any enemy who attempts to destroy me. This is the King’s decree and His army carries it out with diligence.
  2. Acc. To NEHEMIAH 9:17-21: My heavenly Father is forgiving and compassionate towards me. He grants me His unmerited favor as a free gift. His patience and love towards me have no end. He has given me His Word that He will never leave me nor forsake me. Even when my faith has failed; He has remained faithful to me. He has never withheld His manna from my mouth and has always given me water for my thirst. He has given me the Holy Spirit to instruct me in all of my ways. He sustains me in every situation so that I lack no good thing. My clothes are not worn and ragged and my feet never swell from my journey in the life that He has called me to live.
  3. Acc to JOB 31:24-28, I do not put my trust in gold as my security, nor do I rejoice over the great riches that I have been given, or the fortune that I have gained by what I have set my hand to do. My heart cannot be secretly enticed to pay homage to any provider but one: The Lord my God! My faith and trust are in Him and Him alone!
  4. Acc. To PSALM 77:3-14, When hope seems lost and I begin to feel that God is indifferent to my needs, I will remember all that He has done in my life. When I am so troubled that I cannot even find the words to speak, I will remember His intervention in days of old. I will meditate upon His great works. I will remember the great salvation that He wrought for me. My Father is the Lord Most High. There is none greater than He. He will not forget me or leave me comfortless. He will act on my behalf.
  5. Acc. To LAMENTATIONS 3:22-26, God’s compassion for me never fails. He renews His love and blessings for me every morning and is faithful to fulfill the plan He has for my life. I am His highest priority and He makes it His business to bless me. He carefully watches over me so that I am not overrun by the enemy. The Lord is my portion and my delight. I will wait for Him in the midst of adversity. I wait quietly for His salvation. He is always faithful and comes through for me every time. God is not only good to me some of the time; He is good to me all of the time. He has given me His Word that He will never harm me in any way.
  6. Acc. To HABAKKUK 3:17-19, My love, commitment, and trust—for, to, and in my God—is not predicated upon circumstance. Even if my crops fail, I will still rejoice; even when drought covers the land, I sing praises; in the midst of financial disaster, joy and happiness flood my soul. I know the One in whom I have set my trust and He is well able to fulfill His Word on my behalf. I rejoice with my Father in every circumstance. He is my strength and unfailing source of supply. He makes my feet like that of a deer, enabling me to be first in order (in the position of highest authority). I am a blessing to the distressed.
  7. Acc. To LUKE 12:21-34: I will not layup and hoard treasures, riches, and possessions for myself (in greed, selfishness, or fear of the future) and thereby neglect my relationship with my heavenly Father. He alone is my provider and the sustainer of my life. My contentment is in Him and not the things that I possess. If men took all that I have and left me with just the clothes on my back, I would take off my shirt, hand it to them and walk away praising God. He never fails to provide my needs regardless of the circumstances, and neither man nor devil, can stop His prosperity in my life. I am not anxious or troubled by the necessities of life—what I will eat, or what I will have to wear, for my life is more than food and my body more than clothing. God has made me His own daughter—the highest priority of all of His creation—and He does not neglect my needs. When I observe, study and meditate on the life of the raven—how they neither sow nor reap, nor have any storehouses to provide for their future, and yet my Father feeds them and cares for them, I find a reason to believe. He makes it His business to care for the raven and never fails as their source of supply. How much more will He care for me, His eternal daughter? In my heavenly Father’s eyes, I am worth more than many flocks of ravens! In light of this, fear (wo rry, stress, and anxiety) becomes ever-increasingly ridiculous. It does absolutely nothing for me. It does nt add a single minute to my life, never fixes my situation and its infectious nature only causes everything around me to get worse. In all honesty, fear is an act of total and complete foolishness. It is rooted in either ignorance of , or defiance of, the knowledge of God ’s love that He has for His children. When fear raises itself against me, I can look to the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t wear themselves out trying to survive. Even if they’re plowed over, they grow right back and bloom like a smile. Yet, even Solomon in all of his glory was not clothed in such beauty. If my heavenly Father clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and gone tomorrow, in such beauty, how much more wonderfully shall He clothe me, His eternal daughter! What reason is there to fear when I have such a loving Father watching over me? I refuse to be overly concerned about a single issue of life. My Father knows what I need better than I do and He never fails to be the source of my supply! My walk with God is focused around the whole of the kingdom. There is no single issue that overwhelms my attention. I live the kingdom life and I enjoy all of the benefits therein. I do not allow fear to enter in and steal what I have been given, for I know that it is my Father’s good pleasure to give me the kingdom and all of its blessings. I do not hoard things to myself in fear that I will have nothing in the future. I give to the poor freely, bringing the kingdom into their midst. I understand my source of supply and I am always willing to give. Through my generosity, I store up an endless, inexhaustible supply of treasure in heaven that no thief can steal and no moth can devour. This is kingdom-living and the life that I have chosen.
  8. 10. 1 CORINTHIANS 10:13 No temptation has overt a ken you except such as is com m on to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation on will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.
  9. DECLARATION OF FAITH I understand that I am not alone in any temptation that I suffer. Every temptation is common among all of mankind. But I also know that God is faithful. He will not allow me to be tempted beyond my ability to stand against it. When I am tempted to sin, He strengthens me and provides a revelation as to what I can do to overcome it.

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