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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

God Proximity.  Acts 6.1-10

Good Day, Friends!
Consider this:  "Now Stephen, a man full of God's grace and power, performed great wonders and signs among the people."
 Remember he was one of the seven chosen to serve the people in order to free up the apostles to teach and seek God-to do what only they could do.1
"They chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit."2Opposition to Stephen's life and ministry increases from the synagogue...
"But they could not stand up against the wisdom the Spirit gave him as he spoke." Acts 6.8-10
God breathed his wisdom into Stephen because Stephen walked so closely with him. Hmm, it seems hearing from God is tied to our relationship with God.
When Elijah called on God for the 'big show' - the facing off with the false god, Baal, on Mt. Carmel, he could ask God for the miraculous because of his relationship with him-his strong faith built on his own experience of God.3 Elijah intentionally stayed close to God.  Similarly, when God had something to say to Elijah, he said it in the quiet, which required Elijah to come close to God's mouth and heart, and be desirous to hear.4  
I love how Isaiah captured it - "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."5 'You see? Being able to discern God's voice requires proximity to him.  It requires relationship with him.
In taking a closer look, it seems our relationship with God rides on two things:
            ~>proper view of God
            ~>proper view of self, in relation to God                                                                         i.e., thinking rightly of ourselves, thinking rightly of God
Micah wrote, "what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."6 That seems to cover personal righteousness and humility, as well as compassion for our fellow sojourners.  

Humility - a word that captures a spiritual concept that the world does not value or teach much about.  Humility is sometimes difficult to grasp, and often misunderstood.  Here are the things I know humility is not:
It is not being self-effacing,
it is not a lack of confidence.
True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.7
I believe humility is seeing ourselves in correct position before our Maker and what he has to say about who we are as his most valued creation . . .  we, who were created in his image.
And on a personal level that means I operate daily with the understanding that
       "there is a God, and I am not him."
           He is gooder 8, greater, smarter than me, and he's got this-
                I entrust my life into his care, and seek his wisdom,
                    rather than my own. 
                        Further, I do not consider myself better or higher than anyone else;
                           Therefore, I take great delight in serving people. 
[I have reread that a couple times; yeah, that's right, that's it.]  Paul went so far as to say, "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or empty pride, but in humility consider others more important than yourselves."9 Hmmm.

A wise person recognizes his creaturely dependence upon God.10  Ah, yes.
I don't just want to know God; I need God in order to be fully me, in order to fully live out who I am meant to be. 
My dependence on him is fed by staying close to him,
            looking for and listening to the sound of his sweet voice.
Just like Samuel, Elijah, Moses, and Isaiah.  God proximity matters.
1 - a maxim of Andy Stanley, Next Generation Leader
2 - Acts 6.5
3 - 1 Kings 18.16-45
4 - 1 Kings 19.11-13
5 - Isaiah 30.21
6 - Micah 6.8
7 - C.S. Lewis
8 - I know gooder is not a word
9 - Philippians 2.13, Berean Study Bible
10 - Justin Borger, Generous Giving staff

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Comment by journeyman on February 6, 2017 at 10:44am

This is just so beautiful! Perfectly describing what God has taught and is still teaching me. I need God with me to be the whole complete person he meant me to be. Loving life and loving God! Giving thanks for his Holy Spirit who lives in me.!

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