All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Yesterday,mom randomly told me something.


"You know most people don't know Jesus and Satan are brothers?"


I thought "Oh no." I wanted to "retreat". But, thanks to the Lord I was quickly reminded that this was the perfect opurtunity to ask where it's at in the Bible! So, I asked her.


"All, where is it at in the Bible?"


I got told that it's in there. I think she may have said she doesn't know where.


Now I know it's not in the Bible but atleast it's a start! For she never talks to me about it!


She talked to me a little bit. I didn't argue with her. I just mainly listened to what she had to say.  That had to be the Holy Spirit giving me self-control. For I couldn't have done that on my own!


That shows God is working on her! For she never brings that up to me! May Jesus be praised!

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Comment by feet breath on August 17, 2012 at 3:20pm

Char,mom was telling me how Satan was so cockey. She said he was one of the most beautiful angels ever. He than got cockey. He got kicked out. She knows God created Satan. Sadly she thinks Jesus was created by God...


She knows about how Satan got proud and got kicked out of Heaven. That was one of the things she mentioned to me.


She doesn't know where it's at about Jesus and Satan as brothers...That's because it's not in there. Pray God has her open up a Bible and see what the truth really is. I'm probably going to have to be pacient for another time for her to bring it up and I need to pray. It's alot easier to talk when she brings it up. If I start it an argument may happen.

Comment by feet breath on August 17, 2012 at 3:10pm

Charles:The Mormons believe it as well. I know Jesus and Satan can't be brothers. After all Jesus created Satan. Heb. 1 is like the clearest chapter in the Bible that proves Jesus isn't an angel. It not only says He's God (ex. in v. 8"...thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever:..." and Jesus created the Heavens and earth, v. 10) but Heb. 1 lays it out very plainly that the Son, Jesus, is better than the angels. Besides, in verse 6 all of the angels worship Him. That means every one of God's angels. It didn't say "Every angel but you..." :sighs:


Thanks and God bless.


Thanks Amanda for the prayer :hugs:. He was very pacient and waited a long time for me to come to Him. I used to be like mom. I really didn't like the idea of God coming in the flesh. That so creeped me out! Well, one day, I think it was sometime in Jan. of 08(remember He saved me in May of 2010), I was online. A brother in Christ showed me a verse. That's when I found out Jesus is God. Yes, I struggled with it. Sometimes I believed He was God,other times I didn't. God fixed that though! I found out some guy, I think it was Johannas Grebber, comunicated with a demon. The demon said Jesus isn't God. Well, the oposite must be true!


If He can soften my hardened heart He can hers! I was one of the worst judgemental,condeming,self rightous people you'd ever meet next to possibly a Pharasee! Thank God He had mercy and waited for so long to save me. I remember when I was little I was looking out our kitchen window. I was thinking "I'm waiting on dad like I'm waiting on Jesus." Why'd I think that? I have no idea. I didn't even believe He was God back than. Thanks to His pacience I finally found Jesus-the true Jesus.


I hold out hope for mom. I remember she said about going to that memorial thing because it's out of respect for Jesus. Sadly, at the memorial they talked more about the 144,000 than thier (wrong) Jesus...Mom said it was so boring people were falling asleep,like the little girl who was across from me. The best part was when a cracker/bread thing fell off of the plate and rolled on the floor! God surley does make the higher up humble! One of the elders went after the bread...bent over trying to chase it. You know what mom may be right. God (the true one) may have knocked it out of his hands. For I think I remember the laughter,it's nice to hear them laugh...helps them "live a little" for a tiny bit of time before having to go back to reality...


I went so  I could get info. Which was barely anything. What I did find out's mostly about the 144,000 at the memorial not Jesus/Michael or whatever. There's such a dead much bondage there. The air was so thick you could have cut it with a spiritual knife. What really gave me the creeps-and it went right through me-was what some man was telling someone. I think I heard something about "Is that one of the new   ones." I don't know how he exactly said it but I got the creeps really bad.

Comment by Charles Burwell on August 17, 2012 at 12:59pm



I thought that I had heard about every kind of thing in the last 35 years but I have never heard anyone even claim that Jesus and satan were brothers.  Ihave know several for many years and have never heard them speak of anyhting remotely like that .  I'm not doubting that it was said and is believed , I'm just saying I figured I would hae heard it all by now.


Anyhow , In John 3:16  it says that God so loved the world that He gave His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON ....

In the amplified greek  it also gives 'one and only Son' as an equally accurate rendering of the phrase ' only begotten'.  


I have literally read the bible from cover to cover and so no such thing even hinted to . Of course I make no claim to remember all of it but I'm certain somehing like that would kind of jump out at someone.


I read a book many years ago that may ( or may not ) be of interest to you . It is entitled  " 30 years a watchtower slave".  It was writtten by a man who was an actual member of th ' watchtower society for over 30 years . He explains in the book that there were simply too many statements made by the society that he could get no explanation for where the came from.  He was strongly urged not to question but finally the Lord showed him that there were no answers because many of the statements were simply not true.


He became a believer in Christ thriugh his search for the answers and was naturally removed from the ' watchtower ociety when he tried to ' share his new findings.   The book is very interesting reading but it is kind of old so you woud probably have to go to a very large library to have a chance of finding it.


Anyhow , God bless you my friend and continue to let the Holy Spirit lead yo in dealings with your mother.

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