All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

God is . . . (what you said).

Greetings, dear Friends! 

How often we read Scripture verses that reference our great and mighty God yet never stop to consider our understanding of who he is … and just what that knowledge might mean to us on a daily basis.  Our knowledge of God matters … indeed, how we think of God determines just about everything about us. 

In the last couple of briefings, I have given you my thoughts about the God of the Universe, and in the last, I asked, ‘Who is God to you?’  Reponses from around the globe have been quite inspiring.  Take a look:

The first came from Nigeria – “God is my Father, my Lord, my Friend and Master. He loves me more anything in d world! He cares about me and wants me to have and live abundant life.”  

And here are some of the rest-- God is my Father, my friend my light. He is who I think about on every decision I make, good or bad. He stirs my heart to be like his son Jesus & to become a teachable person. I want to please my God. He is my blanket of love & security, & when I peak out, he holds my hand & guides my steps. He is truly my strength

God is that empty space that's now filled. God patiently waits for me to arrive at each new level of awareness and then he meets me with his brilliance and knowledge. He is my calm and my peace. He is all.

God is purely good, in my longing for goodness and purity in a fallen world, I can always rest in the only truly good thing, God. He settles my angst. 

God is my strength, my comfort and my peace. He is that soft place to fall! In that He gives me the comfort and love I need...

It seems trite to answer that question by quoting the Bible or breaking into song lyrics about who God is-- doesn't seem heart felt. Without using the typical responses, it is hard to answer.  I'll try:   God is the only one that lives in my mind and heart everyday forever that truly knows me (thoughts, motives, sins...). A constant source of strength, compassion, wisdom, joy... Always with me and for me. He is good and I can trust Him even when I am lost in my head .If I turn down the volume on God or cut off his spirit- he never leaves me or ceases to work on my behalf. He loves me more than I can comprehend.

I answered about me and my experiences with God because after 32 years- I can't imagine how my life would be without Him and His faithful leading.

God is LOVE!!!

God is the Creator, author of the Bible, Father, Jesus Christ in the flesh, our Savior, the only One who deserves all of our praise and worship... Everything. :)

He is my compass. He is an example of true loving kindness and mercy!!!  He is my comforter, my healer, my strength, and friend. He is ………whatever I need…gratefullyJ

And the final offering, answering the question, ‘Who is God to you?’

“Well, first of all, He is my LORD.  Because He is my LORD He is also my Savior (which He would not be if I didn't acknowledge His Lordship).  But, simply (to answer your not so simple question), I see Him in His creation, especially His people ... and I just love, love, love thinking about how amazing He is as I contemplate a flower, a lady bug, a leaf, the rain, falling snow, a newborn's cry, listen to the chirping of a bird ... I could go on and on.  

God is my hope for today and my hope for tomorrow.  He alone is completely trustworthy and that knowledge affords me a peace that truly does pass all understanding.  

I think God can hardly wait to surprise me with Himself and all He has to give me on that day when I step over the threshold and enter His presence.  I just LOVE surprise parties and I know with absolute assurance that the biggest, greatest, surprise party that will absolutely blow our minds awaits us and, if we could only begin to grasp just a piece of all He has in store for us, we would be living every moment filled with the kind of joy about which Scripture speaks. 

Maranatha!  Come, Lord Jesus!  Come!"

Wasn't it interesting to hear others' thoughts and experiences of God?  We glean so much from one another.  
Be blessed … and keep pursuing God each day of your life.  He loves you to the moon and back, and back again, and ….

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