All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

God is looking for people who will just spend time with HIM.

No agenda just treat HIM like you would a close personal friend. One of the things that we talked about was that during my walking times though he would at times give me insights and messages about the church and about his people a lot of the time it was just HIM and I spending time together with no agenda. HE told me about doing that in the past with people HE talked about spending that kind of time with Enoch and Noah. He talked about there being people of every generation that just spent time with HIM. He reminded me of the conversations that we had during our walk about the ducks and even brought to my mind the walk in which HE laughed at the inside joke HE was setting me up for. Then HE told me that is what HE longs for from HIS people. HE told me that most of HIS children only come to HIM when they want something or need something. HE said they treat me like their own personal genie or Santa Claus while I want to be their love and friend. I preached about this at our church this last week and had people asking me how do you do that How do you spend time with God and hear these things from HIM like you do. I answered them the way I would answer anyone who asked me about that YOU just do. How do you spend time with your friends you make the time. When was the last time you invited God to cook dinner with you? or to go to the movies with you or just take a ride to the store with you? When is the last time you talked to HIM just to talk not to request something? When is the last time you tried to listen to HIM talk to you without distraction? This is what God is looking for, Longing for, HE is desperate for it. I told someone on Sunday that I had spent to days listening to God cry. HE wasn't crying over the sins of the world or the sins of the nation, He wasn't crying over deaths and loss of innocence. NO God was crying for someone to want to spend time with HIM to love on HIM. We say that we love HIM but would your spouse or significant other believe you loved them if the only time you ever spent time with them was when you wanted something from them? NOT for long they wouldn't. So take some time this week and just talk to God share your life with HIM, your dreams, your disappointments, your funny stories, Every thing and then listen as HE shares HIS with you who knows in some future generation they might just be talking about you and calling you "the friend of God" Anyway that is my thoughts this week I got to go me and God are getting together to watch NCIS who knew that God liked TV?
I sure hope God doesn't hog the popcorn :)

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Comment by Pastor George McVey on October 3, 2010 at 6:58pm
Thanks for your kind words both of you. Tomorrow i am going to post from my sunday sermon and maybe expound on it some. the Topic, "The Dark Night of the Soul"
Comment by Christine Flood on October 3, 2010 at 2:43pm
I love this! It's so simple and so true. When I get caught up in the day to day hustle and bustle - and don't make time for God, I miss him, in the same way that I miss any other loved one that I've lost touch with.

I've learned something, too, as I continue on this path - no matter how I feel, no matter what I may be thinking, or doing, God never judges me. As long as I'm honest about me feelings, and am willing to keep an open mind, He guides me in the right direction. He is so good to me.

It is my prayer that everyone have a close and intimate relationship with our Father - because as you've said, He longs for it.

Thank you for sharing this!
Comment by journeyman on October 2, 2010 at 7:52pm
Dear Pastor George, I want to tell you thanks for bringing a smile to my face tonight. I can relate to this account of your encounter with God. I have found myself sharing with God many times ever since I was born again. Some may say I'm crazy,silly. Some would say "Yeah right!" Why would God spend so much time with you? I would tell them because I want to spend time with him. He has shown me through his word how much he loves each of us. I understand that not everything I think comes from God. After all I am only human. But I am confident and trusting in all that he has said. He gave us his son. Being an old Marine I realized long ago what it meant to give a life for a friend. I Love Jesus. What Father wouldn't want to spend time with those who appreciate this gift, this sacrifice. So yes I know wants to spend time with us. Oh yeah...... Semper Fidelis Always Faithful.

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