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Giving to Jesus: Why DISCIPLINE is a Great Thing

Giving to Jesus:  Why DISCIPLINE is a Great Thing.

So, maybe you have realized that God is worth giving something of yourself to … giving of your heart, your mind, and your all-important time! 

But know this: ~to purpose to spend time with God each day will require discipline,            and it requires commitment~

 I love the concept of discipline, because employing it means I can know freedom.  “Discipline yourselves to be godly,” the apostle Paul wrote to Timothy.1  “No one ever reached any eminence, and no one having reached it ever maintained it, without discipline.” Ah yes, discipline is good.

Be intentional by choosing the time of day you will set apart for God.  That said, I highly recommend mornings; to which I hear you saying, ‘but I am not a morning person.’  That’s okay—you will be, once your life is changed by the minutes you give to God each day.   The psalmist said, “In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning, I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.”3   Then, consider, “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went to a solitary place, where he prayed.”4   A writer I respect wrote, ‘Some Christians I know try to have their meaningful personal times with God just before bed, but I have yet to find a respected spiritual leader throughout history who had devotions at night.  Unless you get up early, you’re unlikely to break through to a deeper relationship with God.’5   Now, that’s a very strong position, clearly, but personally I believe it is true.  I like to meet with God first thing in the morning, because then the activities of the day do not crowd him out, and I go into my day with the correct mindset.

Choose a place.  Jesus often withdrew to lonely places to pray—in gardens or near the water.  When he taught the disciples to pray, he even said, ‘go into your room, close the door, and pray to your Father.’6   At my familiar place where I meet the Lord, I have a few things—Bible, notebook, pen and post-it notes.  When I have those things assembled, nothing deters me at 6 a.m.   You see, I am easily distracted, so if I were trying to find things in the morning, my time would be gone.  I have come to truly value this time with God, and frankly, I am not the same woman when I do not make the time to meet with him.

SO--you’ve decided . . . you’re committed . . . you’re up . . . you’re in your spot . . . now what?  Time for Scripture!  Nourishment for your soul.  Many folks print out their ‘Morning Briefings’ and read those, paying particular attention to God’s Word.  Then too, personal study is irreplaceable.  Take a verse, or a number of verses, and consider:

1)   What does this passage mean? 

2)   How does it apply to my life? 

3)   Is there any action I should take? 

Now clearly, there are far more sophisticated study methods, but for a morning time of quiet with God, these are great focusing questions. 

You’ve decided, committed, you’ve taken in food for your soul, now bow your heart to God.  Talk to him—that is to say, pray.  And then, give him some quiet, and listen … listen for him to speak to you.  It takes practice … but it is exciting, and it is good. Oh, truly it is!

Check out this song: (Preview)  ‘Words of reinforcement, to be sure, and beautiful vocals, too~ “None but Jesus” by Hillsong.  We give to Jesus by disciplining ourselves.

In the quiet, in the stillness … I know that you are God        In the secret of your presenceI know there I am restored      When You call, I won’t refuse; each new day, again I’ll choose. . .     In the chaos, in confusion . . . I know you’re Sovereign still.                              In the moment of my weakness, you give me grace to do your will . . .

Discipline Yourself . . .


1              1 Timothy 4.7

2             William Barclay

3             Psalm 5.3     

4             Mark 1.3  

5             Bruce Wilkinson, Secrets of the Vine   

6             Matthew 6.6

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