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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Monday, December 5, 2011

Then peter said silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you in the name of Jesus Christ.  Acts 3:6
Raise your hand if you have not come upon a homeless person asking for money, food, or some farfetched plea. According to National Alliance to end Homelessness[i]on any given night, inAmerica more than 750,000 people are homeless. Over the course of a year, an additional 2.5 million will temporarily live either on the streets or in emergency shelters. Though many panhandlers could be swindlers attempting to con another victim, I have learned to remove self judgment and base my response on how the Holy Spirit leads me regarding their request. 
Recently, at a stop light, I witnessed a woman who appeared to be homeless based on tattered clothes, unclean appearance, and sores covering her face and hands.  Making her way to each vehicle, it appeared no one supplied any donations. Me being the next car in the long procession, I lowered my window and before she could utter a word, “I don’t have anything” blurted from my mouth.  Realizing in hindsight, unlike previous encounters I responded before being asked.  To my dismay this woman had a prophetic comeback to my quick witted answer; “yes, you do have something to give the power of prayer!” 
Driving off dumbfound, the story of a lame man at the beautiful came to mind,Acts 3:1-9 where Peter told the man money he had not but he did have Jesus.  I also recalled Paul’s charge to the Romans to behave like Christians by letting love be without hypocrisy, be kind to others with brotherly love and steadfastly pray Thes 5:12-18.  I’ve heard sermons and read these aforementioned stories on many occasions with intent to implement in a way to bless someone along my journey.  My brief visit was a prime opportunity to put words into action, yet I missed my cue to empower or pray for this lady. I allowed my carnal mind to lead me astray.
For days “you have the power of prayer” lingered in my mind and raised questions. Are my prayers self-centered? Do I pray enough for the indigent as well as others? Is praying effective?  Just as too many ask is their praying in vain? No of course not! Prayer does change things. Prayer is powerful; it can alter situations affecting an individual to world changing issues.  Prayer, no matter how small once it reaches God it does not fall on death ear it will manifest, especially when people learn to touch and agree together through prayer, when two or three come together in His name he is among them Matt. 18:20.  
 I charge you to try God [again] through prayer not asking for things that can rust or corrupt but be like Solomon ask for wisdom to discern between good and evil, I Kings 3:9 pray for others well being, ask for a forgiving spirit,  filled with joy, peace, and love.  For many claim to be Christ like yet when given opportunities such as mine they also fail.  During our life journey we all will stumble upon more situations of: homeless people, co-workers, strangers, or family members partitioning for help in spite the fact money you have not. Remember to give them what you do have in the name of Jesus.   As for the unfortunate lady, I watched through my rear view mirror as she made her way along the road seeking other benevolent givers. As space separated us, I could hear her last directive:  “pray for me and others too because we all need prayer.”

[i] Facts based on 2008-2009 statistics
Tigner J.

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