All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Some people say we are destined for something. Some people say let it be done to the will of the Lord. But isn't just our excuse from being responsible for our life? Yes, God has a plan for us. But God also give us a mind to think, the privilege to choose and to decide for our own life. God love us so much that He didn’t want us to be a puppet or something that He can control. That’s why He gave us freedom to choose how we will fulfill our own lives. But even though we have the freedom to choose our own way, God still manage to make plans for us. That’s why God give us some trials, problems that we need to solve. In which we need to be strengthen or where we can learn something that will make us stronger. God gave us the responsibility for our actions and decision, but still He’s helping us how we will fulfill our lives, our mission in life. Even how hard your problem is, how difficult the choices are; “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” (Matthew 6:33). God gave us the trials, yes, but God also gave us the solutions to our problems. God gave us the pointers, but still we decide to make it on our own way. But in the end we always ask, “God, why did you allow this to happen to us?” Don’t give the responsibility of our actions to God, but give time to have coffee break with our God; Give time to have a talk to our God; Give time to share your thoughts to God. And let Him take your head to be lifted up, when you give your worries and sadness to God and when you put all of your trust to our God.

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