All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

New at this; only signed up to respond to one posted statement.  Wanted to clarify the simplicity of how to have eternal life through Christ.    Keep it Simple!


Was bothered that so many acts were involved by the writer, in order to be assured of salvation now and forever.   Too much "working at it" destroys the great gift of grace which Jesus Christ accomplished on the cross. Remember "Salvation"  is God's (free) Gift to us;  the giving of His Son, our Lord Jesus Who "gave up" His sinless life to die in our place; a free gift of Grace.  After His death and burial, God raised Him up on the third day, He ascended (alive) within a few weeks into heaven, and is still living and longing to come back to get and take His Church Body (His Bride) to be with Him forever.

 No rituals, nothing more need be added to attain salvation.  If we try to add more, we diminish the Power of the Blood of the Cross, God's Lamb, and Jesus's work is all for nothing.  1 Corinthians 15: 1- 6,7 etc.


 Keep reading all of what Apostle Paul wrote...He tells it like it is.  Paul spent some time in the Arabian desert, getting new revelations from our ascended Lord Jesus (which had never before been revealed to the 12 apostles) for us gentiles, as well as Jews!  Galations 1: 16,17,18.   Pay close attention to the New Testament letters.   Even Peter, sometimes wondered about some difficult things he heard from Paul, (who went to gentiles, formerly considered "dogs") but toward the end of Peter's life, he wrote in an epistle to followers of Christ to pay attention to what Paul was saying.   The Scriptures make more sense today than ever before.  Be a lover and follower of our Lord Jesus Christ, only!  Have no other idol.


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Comment by Richard L. Broch, Sr. on July 2, 2011 at 9:27pm

Amen, Sister Janie,


You`re doing just........fine.

Keep on keeping on, with your style of testifying.


Grace and Peace.

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