All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Good Evening to All and to some Good Morning,
This is weird for me as I have never shared with so many people at one time. As I heard the words of our Pastor tonight in church all of this was a jumble. The contents of this blog are aggressive. Be strong, and bear with me. In the future I will write more and get much better at it. In the mean time, I will do my best.
As this is written know that this is for His Glory and I am just the bearer. This Easter Sunday I became a believer again with my Wife, Susan. I felt a continuing nagging at my soul; something was amiss. Christ hadn't missed; He wanted something more of me. Then as I heard our Pastor I knew that it wasn't just what he wanted from me but as a group. Tonight I understood what was wanted of me. It was all of me. So here comes the rest of this.
Our Pastor,Pastor Ted, continued on with the soldier that was at Christs' Cross and what he said.
He(the Guard) didn't say" Ha.. I have the blood on the son of God on me..Ha Ha".
What the Guard did say is, "I have the blood of the Son of God on me." and there was repentence in his heart.
Of the two guards which one do you think Christ would save? The long and the short of this, is this: To know Christ and not repent is in itself a sin and is not forgiveable. This is where the new believer, old believer, and Christ Seeker must be "crushed" by the Holy Spirit, and Christ.
Its time for us as followers of Christ need to get our faces to the floor and get "crushed". It's hard, and it hurts and it has to be done as more is now required of us as his followers. I will keep you up to date on things that we talk about in our church and in my getting "crushed' as things happen. I encourage all who read this to share it and then get "Crushed" for Christ. He took nails for me and this is a small thing to do for Him. Love You All and keep up His work.
Your Bro in Christ, Todd

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