I wanted to share a miracle which GOD has done in my life.
It is more than four months now I am in this pain, what ever I have gone through are terrible pain if I have to compare this pain I don't find any suitable word in dictionary. You might wondering what I have went through, let me put in little more detail.
My name is D Karuna Madhu I am from Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India, I was working as a Manager Information Systems (Role: Head IT)for FMCG company it is affiliated to a well known FMCG MNC company. I have joined in this company last year November i.e 9th Nov 2010. It was nice for initial three days, but I have no satisfaction at work, I realized that I made a bad move, but I thought usually it happens with everyone when we move to new place or new job, so I started adjusting to this culture and trying to build bondage with team and boss, I believe I have given my best efforts to do the best to the company and in fact I have made some important changes in the company so that it save very good money to the company for the coming years, for my efforts company has recognized and given one award in the month March 2011, some time in March month end we have encountered some issues but we have fixed them and in the month of April 2011 we have planned a project which is a migration project after executing that project we had come issue which we have anticipated and usually these are expected since we are moving to new technology or versions to fix this issue we have taken a week time and addressed them, things are going ok, in one of the meeting my boss told me that I am trying to take entire IT department into my hands and trying to run it without his intervention. But I never tried that and I have conveyed the same message and tried my best to convince him, but I think he is not convinced I was getting a different treatment from him, the treatment was such like when ever he calls for a meeting I started afraid facing him and in my file I never had blood pressure but suddenly it went very high and I was not able to site and walk also, I thought I have to look for new job but It is not easy to get a job in the middle of year right so I am trying my best to get adjust, on May 9th 2011 actually on that day I was completing my probation period, he called me for the meeting on that day since there was lot pressure on me I thought if he says some thing uncomfortable to me then I thought I will give my resignation on that day he called me to the meeting and in the meeting he said that he is unable to confirm me since I am not a good people manager that is the reason my team is not supporting me when required and he asked me to quite after I heard that word I am lost and I felt like one big sharp arrow went through my heart I don't know what to do, I have asked him do I get any chance to prove? He said no, he asked me to give a resignation with 3months notice period and asked me to find another job in this 3 months.
In that movement I have no word, I am shocked I have called Bro. Joe Madhu Anna who is doing GODś ministry in Chennai, India, I have explained him what is happened them he asked me keep fast next day and asked me to call him when I called him brother told me it is not men work and he saw GODś hand in this. Till that movement I am worried so much after I heard that it is GODś hand not any man's hand I felt little calm, reason behind it is I believe that if GOD hits his people it is for there own good only for that sake I am happy.
Since I got only 90days to find new job, I have applied what ever it came in my way and if I count them today it will be more than hundred jobs but all my trials ended up with zero success rate, one of the reason is what ever I am today is only by grace of GOD without his help I am zero I realized late, I mean in very short period GOD helped me to climb very high places which is not possible without GODś help, then I started working on my relation with JESUS, I learning so many things in this terrible situation, GODś shown us his mighty grace and HE literally feeded & leaded us all these days, as he feeded & leaded Israel people when they are going through red sea and finally He has blessed me with a wonderful job. Before this day my life is so miserable it is like I am afraid to think about tomorrow because I don't have answer if bank people or credit card people comes and knocks my door I am afraid to get up from bed since I don't have answer for all my house hold needs, literally I am leaving in a no more tomorrow in my life in this terrible time GOD shown HIS mercy and grace upon me and opened the gates of Heaven and with HIS own Hands GOD performed this miracle in my life once again. I don't know what I can offer HIM for HIS mercy and for HIS grace, all I am asking HIM back is to help me to stay close to HIS right hand forever.
What GOD thought me through this?
Focus on Faith (How to do it stay away from Credit cards, 0% EMIś & Personal Loans)
During this trouble time what GOD wanted me to stand straight on faith but my faith is shaking it is not straight why because of my house hold needs of debts in from of credit cards, 0% EMIś and personal loans. So I made promise to JESUS I will close all my credit cards, 0% EMIś and personal loans ASAP and from now I will not go for any new Credit cards or 0% EMIś or Personals Loans.
Stay connect with GOD on daily bases (How to do it by prayer , reading bible and chatting with HIM )
Don't neglect the GODś caution sings or warning sings
Actually before this thing happened to me GOD warned me to spend time in prayer and keep fasting, I have neglected them that is the reason I haven't through this other wise GOD might have helped me before things turns worst. The important fact is as you get caution signals and warning signals and traffic signals while you driving on a highway, GOD always give caution sings and warning sings before any problem hitting us because HE has visibility about our life and future.
I also learned one more thing from this suffering is ¨The Lord is my Shepherd” HE not only died on the cross for my sins but HE is leading me like a Shepherd leads his sheep's, as written in Psalm 23.
If you watch Psalm 23:4 it says ¨ Even if I walk through a very dark valley, I will not be afraid, because you are with me. Your rod and your walking stick comfort me.¨ in the above verses it says Very Dark Valley: Actually when fallen in SIN with knowing and unknowing I have walked away from GOD when I did this GOD has not left me alone in that Dark (SIN) valley, HE is there with HIS rod and walking stick, HE used rod to beat the SIN/Darkness/Evil in me a corrected me from all the wrong things and HE used walking stick to guide me in the right direction and to stop me falling in the HELL. And if you watch Psalm 23:5 it says ¨ You (GOD) prepare a meal for me in front of my enemies. You (GOD) pour oil on my head; You (GOD) fill my cup to overflowing¨ in the above verses it says You (GOD) prepare a meal for me in front of my enemies. People who all stood against to me GOD made them as my friends and HE (GOD) prepared a meal in front or with them, another part of the above verses says You (GOD) pour oil on my head; You (GOD) fill my cup to overflowing, this mean that GOD gave me great wealth and blessed me the wealth HE gave may not visible to a naked right now but it will surely visible to naked eye in coming days for sure. If you watch Psalm 23:6 it says ¨ Surely Your (GOD) goodness and love will be with me all my life, and I will live in the house (Heaven) of the LORD forever¨ the above clearly says to me that Surely all HIS (GOD) goodness and love will be with me not just now it will be with me all my life not only this HE (GOD) assured here that I will live in Heaven of our might LORD forever for sure.
This experience helped me to see the taste of our LORD love, it demonstrated HIS (GODś) watchfulness, care and love on HIS own people, that is why HE has not afraid to give HIS only begotten son JESUS for my Sin's. I take this as opportunity to say Thank our mighty LORD JESUS forever thing HE did for me, I would like to Thank Joe Madhu Anna & Family, & my entire family I also like to Thank everyone who prayed for me.
I also would like to Thank you for take out some time and reading this letter, May OUR MIGHT LORD JESUS BLESS YOU & YOUR FAMILY WITH PEACE & ALL YOU NEEDS
D Karuna
Keep the Lord as your focus all the time,all things work together for good for them who love the LOrd,my prayers are with you.
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