All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

From the taxicab to the microphone.

Hello. podcast/radio clip in text

Isn’t it odd how you can remember a certain moment that seemed like nothing at the time—just another day--and yet in hindsight, you can see how that moment changed everything? Let me explain. Danny was a baby and I still lived in Northern California, (so 15+ years ago now), and I had gone to get my hair cut. While I waited, I pulled out my ubiquitous book, only to read something that radically changed my outlook on life. Before it became a best-seller, I opened the gift-sized book and read a prayer from the Old Testament, that I don’t believe I had ever read prior:

And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what he requested. 1 Chron. 4.10

‘Yeah, so big deal,’ you say. ‘What was it in that verse that rocked your world?’

Two things actually. From Jabez, I learned to ask God to bless me. Think of it—weren’t you like me, praying even as a tot, ‘God, bless Mommy, God, bless Daddy, God, bless …’ And though my prayers for other people were correct, and just became more sophisticated in language as I matured, no one ever taught me to pray that God would bless me! So, that was the first thing. Why don’t you pray this part of the prayer right now? “God, will you bless my life?” Long for the blessing of God upon your life and make the request part of your daily petitions.

But perhaps more than asking for God’s blessing was the prayer to ask God to enlarge my territory—to expand my area of influence for him—to be able to tell more and more people my God story for the purpose of sharing his great life-changing love and purpose for them. [Fundamental to this prayer is the heartfelt desire that you want your heart to beat like God’s beats… you want your heart to be broken with the things that break his heart, and you want people to know where they are going—with assurance—when they draw their last breath on this planet] I suppose that little verse, the prayer of Jabez, served as a sling-shot for me, and ever since, I have asked God to use me to point people to him.

And wonder of wonder, (why are we surprised when God answers our prayers?) God has answered both of those prayers. God has generously blessed me in so many ways. And he has enlarged my territory, more, and more and more! You might know that these Morning Briefings go to 127 countries and are posted on two social media sites besides—from the U.S. and from Singapore. Do you know that some folk who subscribe to these briefings live in countries that could arrest them for their participation in the gospel?

And now . . . through the hard work of a publicist,1 in the last couple weeks, the phone has started ringing and I have been interviewed on four radio programs so far—CBS Michigan, Tucson Morning News, Boston’s JAMN, and Hawaii’s Public Radio. Listen: [and stay til the end--this was a live interview--not easy, Folks!]

Isn’t that crazy wonderful? One of the last things Jesus said before ascending into Heaven was ‘you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.’2

That is my highest desire, whether in a taxicab in Chicago or New York City, and now behind the microphone of a radio station in Los Angeles (this coming Monday!), in a passionate, articulate voice over the airwaves that ~

I love people, and I love hearing their stories… And more importantly, I love God, and I love telling people his story.

Why? Because God holds the answers to the biggest questions of life:

>how did I get here?

>why am I here?

>where am I going?

>what will be my legacy?

As Paul said, “In him we live and move and have our being.”3

And so I boldy ask you, ‘Please, would you consider to giving to what God has chosen to do through me at this time?’ I couldn’t/wouldn’t ask you if it was about me, but since it is all to take the love of God to the world, I will ask. PayPal is available at or tax-deductible checks may be sent to Pastorwoman Corp., P.O. Box 1195, San Clemente, CA 92674. Thank you, and regardless of whether or not you give, please pray that I will honor God in these great opportunities to represent him. Thank you. I love you each, I love you all.…/women-clerical-positions-jazz-speak-marti…

Hawaii's NPR Radio - MLK Day - "The Conversation"


1 – Kristin Marquet, Smith Publicity- the money for the campaign donated by folks who believe the Gospel must go out … thank you, dear friends!

2 - Acts 1.8

3 – Acts 17.28

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