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One issue that has always overwhelmed me is that of legalism. I know that in Old Testament days, the Jews were required to follow all of God's laws down to the proverbial "T", and if they didn't, they were endanger of death. The only atonement for sins back then was the prescribed sin offering before God, (which was only a temporary atonement.) Many generations later, Jesus was sent to be the new covenant, and new atonement for sins of both Jew and Gentile; and also the release of his people from the cursed law that they were under. Here is what always confuses me: back then, if you didn't follow the law, you didn't please God. Today, if you don't have faith, then it is impossible to please God, but also, if you don't follow the law, then you can't please God. I realize that it is not through works that we are saved, but rather, believing is the way to salvation. But if we are saved by belief, and free from the law, then why do we still have to follow it? To me, the Bible should have been written to say this: If you believe with your heart and confess with your mouth, and also follow the law, then you will be saved. I am not trying to make a mockery of the Bible, but everyone knows that you can believe all you want, but if you still don't follow the law, your not pleasing God, because faith without works is dead. Someone once told me that once I am saved, then following the law wouldn't be such a burden, but rather, I would follow it out of gratitude. I guess i'm still trusting God to get me to that point. So I guess my real question is this: Do I just continue to live my old lifestyle until God changes me himself? or do I put forth an effort to change, and just hope God intervenes? Everyone always tells me that the Holy Spirit will change me, and I can't do it on my own efforts; so that is why I was wondering if I should just sit back and not even try to change, since the Bible says I can't on my own. I am so confused. I don't know if I am living according to legalism, or if I am truly saved. I mean, I acknowledge the fact that with0out salvation and forgiveness, I am doomed, but if I don't follow the written code, then I am also doomed, regardless if I received salvation. Someone please help me....

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Comment by John Rogers on July 30, 2011 at 9:38pm

Don't worry if you think that God can't hear you sometimes. You are not the first.

King David also cried out, in times of trouble, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are You so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring?” (Psa. 22:1).
Comment by brandon soileau on July 30, 2011 at 9:36pm

Thank you for your words of encouragement. I do feel a lot better. I have to hit the sheets now, and get ready for another day. Thank you John

Comment by John Rogers on July 30, 2011 at 9:28pm
Who was it that Jesus called children of their father the devil. It was the religious people of his time. He called them white washed tombs. Being religious is not the same as being a Christian. Knowing your a sinner and that you can't make it without Jesus is what will draw him to you. Over time you will grow into a relationship with him.
Comment by brandon soileau on July 30, 2011 at 9:22pm
That is a very good point. I always just thought once people recieved salvation and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, taht they automatically changed, and were automatically grateful and wanted to stop sinning because they were grateful. Lol, I guess I misinterpreted a lot of the book of Romans, I guess I thought all of this was automatic. Sometimes the Bible confuses me, lol.
Comment by John Rogers on July 30, 2011 at 9:18pm
As far as you being selfish. Join the crowd. Selfishness is part of being sinful. Do you think that just because people show up in church that they are not full of sin? LOL, where do you think satan goes on Sunday mourning? Church is loaded with selfish people.
Comment by John Rogers on July 30, 2011 at 9:13pm

You say, "I can't make myself do these things for the right reasons, rather than for the selfish ones. I am at a loss, and I feel trapped."

When you say "I" can't make myself do these things, your right. And you never will be able to make yourself do right. You and God together will change you. It takes time. If you could do it all on your own, than why would Christ need to come? Stop worrying, we are all a bunch of sinners. What is important is your heart. God judges the heart. That means that if you come to him honestly and say God, I need more help with this sin, then he will help. God knows you are sinful. Didn't he draw you from the dust himself?
Comment by John Rogers on July 30, 2011 at 8:59pm

Hi Brandon,

I used to feel kind of like that myself. You are not the first one to feel this way. Some early Christians even thought that they should sin even more after being saved so they could recieve more grace from God (lol). Paul in one of his letters has to explain to an early church that this is not how Chrisianity works. So take heart, you are not alone. It takes time to understand the gift of God sending his only Son to die for us. We are conditioned to believe that nothing is free. But think of it like this. What can you ever do to be good enough, or worthy enough in the eyes of a perfect God? Nothing. That is why it is Christs glory that he died in your place. As odd as it sounds, God wants us to know that we can never be worthy in in his eyes. Since he does not want us to slip into the trap of pride. That is what happened to satan. God wants it to be impossible for us to save ourselves. 

Comment by brandon soileau on July 30, 2011 at 8:38pm
There is nothing than I would like more for my good actions to be of gratitude, rather than fear of eternal death. For some reason, even though I accepted salvation, i am still haunted by death, therefore, I am still afraid to screw up. Go dhas helped me tremendously in some aspects, to be a better person and a Christian, but I can't make myself do these things for the right reasons, rather than for the selfish ones. I am at a loss, and I feel trapped. Do you see what I am saying?
Comment by John Rogers on July 30, 2011 at 8:34pm

Hi Brandon,

God looks at the heart. If you are trying to change and put forth the effort than God will come to your aid. Remember that God allows us to do as we chose, so he is not going to beg anyone to accept his help. Satan is the one who is desperate for your worship, not God. Remember that even satan is a created being made by God and is subject to God. God doesn't need anything from you or me. He is "The great I AM"

We serve God because he is merciful and good. We serve God because he sent his only son to die in our place. We serve God because we deserve hell, but what we are getting instead is his grace and mercy.


Note: God is a God of love, mercy and kindness and He is slow to anger, but He can and does at times get angry. God is a God of justice and there comes a time when He will deal out punishment upon man because of man’s sin.


Isaiah 42:8

 “I am the LORD; that is my name!
I will not yield my glory to another
or my praise to idols.


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