Thank you for your words of encouragement. I do feel a lot better. I have to hit the sheets now, and get ready for another day. Thank you John
Hi Brandon,
I used to feel kind of like that myself. You are not the first one to feel this way. Some early Christians even thought that they should sin even more after being saved so they could recieve more grace from God (lol). Paul in one of his letters has to explain to an early church that this is not how Chrisianity works. So take heart, you are not alone. It takes time to understand the gift of God sending his only Son to die for us. We are conditioned to believe that nothing is free. But think of it like this. What can you ever do to be good enough, or worthy enough in the eyes of a perfect God? Nothing. That is why it is Christs glory that he died in your place. As odd as it sounds, God wants us to know that we can never be worthy in in his eyes. Since he does not want us to slip into the trap of pride. That is what happened to satan. God wants it to be impossible for us to save ourselves.
Hi Brandon,
God looks at the heart. If you are trying to change and put forth the effort than God will come to your aid. Remember that God allows us to do as we chose, so he is not going to beg anyone to accept his help. Satan is the one who is desperate for your worship, not God. Remember that even satan is a created being made by God and is subject to God. God doesn't need anything from you or me. He is "The great I AM"
We serve God because he is merciful and good. We serve God because he sent his only son to die in our place. We serve God because we deserve hell, but what we are getting instead is his grace and mercy.
Note: God is a God of love, mercy and kindness and He is slow to anger, but He can and does at times get angry. God is a God of justice and there comes a time when He will deal out punishment upon man because of man’s sin.
Isaiah 42:8
“I am the LORD; that is my name!
I will not yield my glory to another
or my praise to idols.
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