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For this reason . . . we pray. Colossians 1.3-9

For this reason … we pray.  Colossians 1.3-9

“We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you … since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives …” from verses 3-9

Good Day! 

Paul puts such a premium on prayer, mentioning his prayer for the Colossians several times in just these few verses.  Prayer. 

I have to stop right here … honestly gripped by several situations, and several Christian brothers, wondering how to proceed in life.  I believe at the heart of their inquiries is this heartfelt sentiment:                                                  if I am to go on, I must hear from God!

Accordingly, I believe the question is this:  how do I live as though my life has meaning?

How do I proceed on that meaning as though I can hear in prayer, as well as     speak forth my own needs?

My friends, prayer must be both—an issuing forth of our personal thoughts requests and seeking after God, and also a time of asking and listening, that the Spirit of God might come and fill our minds, hearts and beings with himself … which include his thoughts and plans for us … his very being that we might be one with another, even as we are One with him. 

Let’s think about prayer for a moment … and might I ask you, ‘Do you pray?’ 'Of course, I pray; really, I pray all the time.'

How do you pray? 'Well, I guess, I'm regularly shooting up one-liners throughout the day--'

What do you say? Usually, something like 'God, help me with _______; or thank you for _______ . . . I kinda have an open line going all the time.'  That’s a great start.

More Americans, more people ‘round this world will pray this week than will exercise, drive a car, have sex, or go to work, according to Gallup polls. Nine in ten pray regularly, and yet most would say they aren't really satisfied with their prayer life.  Some are not sure their prayers are being heard--maybe they aren't praying the right way or for the right things.  Others think that prayer should be a conversation with God, and yet they never hear God say anything, and feel frustrated.  Still others see their friends' prayers answered, but can't remember answered prayer themselves. Then there is the whole matter of getting distracted while praying--well really, I guess there are some things at issue here, aren't there?

"Prayer is an expression of who we are . . . We are a living incompleteness. We are a gap, an emptiness that calls for fulfillment," Thomas Merton said. I think Merton was right.  In order to be complete, we need to be filled up with God, and that comes primarily through connectedness with him through communication. How many prayers have gone unanswered in your life because you never prayed them? Our Lord's brother said, 'We do not have, because we do not ______.' James 4.3.

Prayer connects us with God, it moves the hand of God, and changes us. It increases our faith, and helps us become who God wants us to be . . . but 'you know what? In order for it to be effective, in order for it to be powerful, it requires more than just one-liners throughout our day.  It requires some 'set apart' time, when God is our sole focus, not just something we fit in with whatever we are doing.  Prayer reminds me that he is God, and I am not.  For this reason . . . we pray.

Make some time today --


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