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Farewell, Brother John. John 21.24-25

Farewell, Brother John.  John 21.24-25

“This disciple is the one who testifies to these events and has recorded them here. And we know that his account of these things is accurate.

Jesus also did many other things. If they were all written down, I suppose the whole world could not contain the books that would be written.”  Verses 24-25

Good Day, Friends~ 

How do you ‘wrap up’ the book of John?  From its start, it is quite different from the other three gospels, the synoptic gospels.  The first verses penned by the beloved disciple launch us into the deity of Jesus Christ—“In the beginning the Word already existed.  The Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He existed in the beginning with God.  God created everything through him …” And while the other gospels are essentially historical records of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, John writes to strengthen the faith of believers, and to bring others to faith in the One whom he loved so deeply.  John simply stated his purpose in writing in John 20.31, “that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.”

Looking back over the many morning briefings pulled from the inspiration of John’s gospel, I am so moved by the personal encounters between Jesus and people like you and me.  Remember when Nicodemus came to him at night—not wanting to risk being seen by anyone who might recognize him as a prominent Jewish leader, putting his position in peril—and Jesus was willing to show him his heart?  Then there was the woman at the well … you know, the Samaritan who felt the compassionate warmth of the rabbi Jesus, instead of the scorn of her townspeople … and we come to realize that no one who encounters Jesus remains the same. 

We watch as the threatened Jewish leaders look to trap Jesus in various scenarios, learning from Jesus’ masterful dealings, all the while instructing and teaching Jesus’ disciples then and now.  But in time, Jesus informs his men that he will be leaving, going before them to ready a place for them.  John takes special pains to paint the Passion of the Christ with details not attended by the other gospel writers. 

Indeed we have been with Jesus – in life, in his friendships, his teaching, suffering, death and ultimate triumph over the grave.  There has never been another like Jesus Christ of Nazareth, one deserving of our study, devotion, love, and commitment while we yet draw our breath.  And no one ever described him as the ‘disciple whom Jesus loved.’



[Oh these studies from John’s gospel have been so rich, so inspirational. This is #172 in the Morning Briefings drawn from John’s writing; all are archived at - simply click the following link:]

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