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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Encouraging Testimony from Holy Spirits Workshop Nigeria

Just received this report - God is good a worker of miracles!

From Pastor Amos Oriakhi:

One day a sister who had lived for fifteen years in USA and Europe walked into my workshop and demanded to see me. She was ushered into my presence and she told me she was lured to Nigeria by her family and as she stepped into Nigeria, she suffered from amnesia (loss of memory). She became so sick from obesity that her weight prevented her from doing any domestic work and she could not get a husband. So she became very frustrated and wanted to go back to the States. With all her exposure, she could not remember what happened in all her 37 years of existence. We started praying and gradually her memory was restored and her obesity decreased. She is now planning to go back to the States and relaunch her business. Just yesterday she was filled with the Holy Spirit. She can now do domestic work and she has been coming to the workshop daily for the past fortnight. One would not notice that she once had a case of amnesia.

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Comment by felixpadua on March 26, 2009 at 7:36am
praise the Lord, amen.

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