Uncertainty took me down a path I did not want to go. I became sinfully involved with a man I thought I loved so very much. The feeling of conviction was very strong at times, but I continued to justify my actions in my thoughts. I told myself things like, "We love each other, and I plan to spend my whole life with him; therefore, God should understand." In time, the excuse just wasn't enough to contend my spirit and I had to get out of the relationship. When I did leave the man, I drew very close to God and depended totally on his strength and comfort to get me through the heartbreak. To my surprise, it didn't take long that I overcame and began to sense the goodness of God in my life to a very high degree. I relate the sensational experience to walking on water. I felt so much peace, a peace only God can give. But those little voices of destruction began to do their business--nagging.
They would tell me, "What are you doing? You are now alone. What will you do now? What makes you think you can do that? Do you really want to live with your parents again? You know what that was like." I became scared as these voices seemed to grow in intensity.
After a short while, another man came into my environment who intriguingly revealed his interest in me. I was weak at the time, and friends and others urged me to pursue a relationship with him. I listened.
Some time lapsed, and I was now involved with this man (another fornicating relationship) that I did not desire to marry. One Christmas, this man asked me to marry him. Hesitantly, I said yes. Why? Weakness--through fear of being alone again--even though being alone wasn't really as bad in actuality as it appeared in my mind. Then an angel appeared out of nowhere!
One day while I was at work (a waitress in a restaurant), a man walked in the building smiling from ear to ear. I was taken by the amount of joy I sensed radiating from him. I wondered what could have made this man so happy. There didn't seem to be any reason for the abundant joy he expressed on his face. Nothing special was happening and he was alone (from a physical perspective). This man walked straight over to my section (the section of tables for which I was responsible that day), as if he already knew where he would sit. I had an odd sense about this man from the time I laid eyes on him. I walked over to the table to greet him and asked him for his drink order. He drank tea, by the way :) So, I went and retrieved the cup of tea, but when I returned to the table, something I thought to be amazing happened.
The man looked at me without a word, but with a large smile (still). He gazed at my hand for a moment (I had an engagement ring on my finger), lifted his head, and looked at me as though through me. I felt strange, still wondering what he could be thinking about that makes him so happy. I also felt a bit funny because he did not speak as he continued to look. He lifted his hand in a way that indicated he would not be eating. So I walked away and let him to his tea. He quickly drank his tea. He did not have reading material with him, as some do who just come in for a cup of tea or coffee. He just sat there grinning and looking around as if he were on some special mission. Now understand, this sounds crazy, but I did not have an impression that he was crazy. On the contrary, he delighted me. I returned to the table once again with the bill for his tea. He looked at my hand again. He asked me in a gentle voice, "Does he love God?" I almost went through the floor when I heard that. I knew this was an angel sent from heaven to confirm my taunting conviction! I did not know how to respond. I was in a state of awe, as if to say how did you know this issue had been riding my conscience for some time? Furthermore, I did not see this man say those words. I kind of thought I might be hearing things because the man's wide smile never left his face, and I wondered if he really even spoke at all. I was not sure if I should answer what I thought I heard from him, or not. Was it just my imagination that he said that, I wondered? It was so very odd. Before I could get a word out of my mouth, the man rose from his chair, placed his hand on my shoulder, and said with a serious look, "As long as you are happy (as if he knew I was not)," he then continued to smile, but now with more of a compassionate expression. He turned and walked away smiling, but a sense of conviction was upon me like the weight of a cinder block. (he was finished and left the building)
I wanted to run after him and hug him, but I did not because that would just be strange. I didn't know this man from Adam, as the saying goes. I just felt so close, or genuinely attracted to this person for reasons I cannot explain. I thought about this man for a long time after he left and what he said to me. I strongly wondered if he was a divine being sent to bring me that message. For it did not seem as though the man had any other reason to come into that restaurant that day. He was alone, he did not eat, he had nothing to read, he knew right where to sit, he was unexplainably joyful, he spoke only the words I mentioned, he never looked at his watch--if he even wore one, I felt oddly attracted to him, no one else in the restaurant saw him. By the way, I asked the other waitresses if they saw the man who sat at that table, because I was going to tell them how he impressed me, but none of them saw, or remembered seeing a man at my table. I pondered this experience for a long time.
It took a while for me to gather the courage to leave the relationship I was in, but with all the conviction I felt and with that amazing messenger's few words of love and compassion, I did finally come back to where I should be--on the path of righteousness. I moved back into my parents' house for help and support and began taking a college course, which is another amazing story that I will leave for another day.
So tell me what you think--was this an angel? I am convinced he was.
Blessings to all!
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