we use this term walking on egg shells in our lives referring perhaps 2 a relationship of sort, a parent, spouse, boss, I myself have analyzed this from my childhood in a different perspective.. growing up I can remember my gram would through her egg shells into her garden, I would say she had the best strawberries on the planet.. when I asked as to why, her reply was "because its good for the plants" satisfied with this answer I never questioned this technique as to why it was so beneficial. I just knew that if gram said it, it must be true, because gram knew everything about everything...Since my childhood research has given me many a reasons as to why egg shells are so beneficial, but most interestingly I have found that if left as a half shell, they have the ability to collect and hold water...Upon further observation I noticed that this water soon would become the demise to such an awful insect as the dreaded thrip.. They are drawn to the water naturally but drown once in... This so so tiny insect can devastate a plant by sucking the very life right out of its leaves in no time...they first begin to turn yellow, and u can witness the withering and disease of fungus that comes along with these insects as well... I have found that some people are like thrips. sucking the very life right out you, before u know it they have devastated u in very much the same fashion..U begin to feel weakened and withered, and if ur not careful the fungus begins to grow within..yikes..One must be on guard at all times knowing these little pest are among us waiting to steal our joy and happiness.. put on the full armor of God, so u may be able to withstand all the fiery darts that the enemy hurls in our direction.. And lets don't forget the living water that will catch and drown all those tiny annoying pests in our lives.....Father God I thank you for giving me everything, when in in fact I deserve nothing...
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