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Duty, Devotion, or Delight?

Duty, Devotion, or Delight . . . What is it for you?  Do you read the Bible out of a sense of duty, or is it devotion, or is it something else?    The other day I was 'texting' with someone who is suffering-trying to encourage her--when she commented, 'I know I am lacking discipline when it comes to my devotional life, sad to say.'  Interpretation:
'that is what I should be doing.' Should be = duty.
It made me think about the whole Bible-reading thing.  Why do we read it anyway?  Why don't we read it?
Here is what is happening I think -
->we do not really know its life-giving value, may think it is kinda boring, and so we do not open our Bibles
->we know it has value, but do not know where to start, where to open our Bibles and so we do not
->we have known, have been tight with the Word of God but have let life squeeze it out of our daily existence
         We check our text strings, Instagram and Facebook and then,
         if our running shoes aren't calling our names, someone is
calling from the other room, and well-there goes our Bible    reading!
But God gave us his Word as a gift,
      as a historical record,
           as wisdom to live our lives
                 as correction for behavior-that which has been done to us
                                                      that which we ourselves have done
                       as insight about who God is . . .
God gave us his word to comfort,
         to inform us about right standards
               and to keep our way pure.
One of the things I love about the Bible is that it is history
It is objective-it cites real people, real places I have been and seen,    providing evidentiary proof for the reliability of scripture.
It reminds me I am not the only one in the world and that I am not    the only one on God's mind!              
It helps anchor me in time and space and remind me that God has    a much bigger plan-to redeem humankind-and then, wonder of      wonder, he invites me into that plan!
Simply put, the Bible has the ability to change our lives because it is the divine Word of God. The Bible is God speaking to us what he wants us to know-important things like how we got here, how he feels about us, the history of his people, the revolutionary Savior who showed us how to live, the plan of salvation, God's purposes for our lives, the second coming of Jesus Christ and the destiny of those who believe in him, and those who reject him.  
What exactly is contained inside the covers of the Bible?  Sixty-six books-39 in the Old Testament, written in Hebrew, spanning 1500 years; 27 books in the New Testament, which was written in Greek, spanning just 80-90 years. It covers the life of Christ, his ministry, establishment of the Church, letters to those churches, and Revelation. The Bible was God-inspired, or as the Greek word Paul used for inspired indicates, 'God breathed'.  One of the ways we know that the Bible is true is that even though it was written by 40 different authors, there are no contradictions.  Amazing!
The main thing to know is that the Bible is what it purports to be . . . TRUTH.  It is the Word of God, supported by archaeological evidence, fulfilled prophecy, historical and scientific evidence.  AND I notice that 
those who read the Bible and seek to apply it, 
are radically changed by it. 
It works! 
Why does it have the power to change us?  As Paul wrote, "All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work." 2 Timothy 3.16-17   
God, inspire us, teach and grow us with the beautiful scriptures you have given us.  Amen!

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