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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Are You Worried of Your Future Needs?

Today’s Bible Passage:

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you”.     ~~Matthew 6:33~~

Today’s passage is encouraging us not to worry.Instead of worrying about tomorrow and the future, having all those “what if” in mind, Jesus is telling us hey, what do you gain in worrying (Matthew 6: 27)?. Why don’t you seek God first (and all your worries will be gone,) and all these things will be added to you, Says (Matthew 6:33)  A friend of mine came to me one day, and is so excited to say, I wanna quit my job and do full time ministry. Wow, that’s lovely, that’s great! I responded,but wait,what makes you come up to that decision? She looks at me with a smile and said, I heard that “if you seek God first and do ministry, all things will be added to you.

That’s so true! But wait,  What do you mean by seek God first? And the wordministry? Ministry is a broad term and it is not only limited to standing in the spot light, or going around to share the Word to the world unless you are called to do solely these. 

But don’t you know that your work is your ministry? Your family is ministry? Your friends are your ministry?  When you pray, and pray for someone, you are doing ministry? When you clean and when you pick up that piece of plastic on the hall way so others won’t commit accident, you are doing a ministry? When you give to the church, you are doing Ministry? don’t you also know that even when you smile to someone is also a ministry? When you support missionaries, you are doing ministry? And don’t you know that even missionaries also work for a living? Apostle Paul did (2 Thessalonians 3:7-8).Ministry entails everything that we do that glorifies God. Small or big.

When we say seek God first, it doesn’t mean quit your job (unless your job is blocking your loyalty to God) and stay still and pray and let all things come in to place themselves. No.

The verse is encouraging us to go to God first thing first, like Jesus did, before going to work, He goes to the Father first in prayer, meaning let us put God first in everything we do, We must acknowledge Him in all that we do, we must put our trust in Him, commit our every work to Him, we must ask Him to be with us always, plan with God, work with God, do things with God  (Proverbs 3:5-6)  and allow Him to teach/guide us with the right decision and show us ways on how our needs can be met.

God bless everyone!

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