All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others


Read Matt: 7:1, 12-23 & 28-29

In these scriptures it is teaching us that in our walk with Christ we have to be real. We are not here to make judgement of one another. This journey is what we make it. In order to be able to continue in God's will we must be doers of his word. How can we be doers of his word?, we must read, study and do what the word teaches us.

Love is very important in our walk with Christ. We have to love each other, be kind to one another and also be willing to help each other. We are not in this world alone, as we walk in this life we have to be like Christ. How can we be like him?, first we have to know who he is. We do this by reading the word and be doers of his word by living to the best of our ability and seeking God to open up our understanding. This is not going to happen over night, however if we study the word and stay on bended needs before the Lord he will help us. We must read the word and live the word, someone is always watching you. If there is any area in your life that you need help, you can ask God for what area you lack in. He is there for us, in all that we need and some of what we want. The word says, you have not because you ask not. We also need to come to church which is a building of worship, the real church is in each one of us. Also you must have purpose, we don't just come to church to sit around and talk or to take up space. You can stay home for that matter. We need to have a mind to want to receive more from God. If you open your heart to God he will fill it over and over again. He just wants us to be a willing soldiers and be thankful. Our lives are not our own, Jesus paid a heavy price for our salvation. We learn God's word each and every day of our lives. We must adhere to our teaching, don't just come to church to show your presence.

God has given us Pastors, Ministers and Evangelists to teach us so that we will understand the word better. We must be open to receive the word of God, that's what we are responsible for. How can we spread the word?, if we don't know the word? You should always have something to say about he Lord. God is good to us and he is forever merciful and forgiving. He knows what's best for us and he wants only the best for us. By doing all of these things and having the word in us, we will not be easily mislead by false doctrine. Another thing that I am very adamant about is when you are learning the word of God and have a church home, that is where you need to be. You should not be jumping around from church to chruch. This is some of the very reasons why many peole get messed up because every ministry does not have you best interests.

This word that I share with you is meant for me first. We have all the artillery we need right here at our church. All we need to do is come and receive the teachings that our ministers provide. We really need to recognize what God would have us to do. We can not make this journey on our own, we are helpers one to another. God in his word, let's us know that if we can not get it right on earth we can not make it into the Kingdom. So I ask you, do you really want to make it into the Kingdom? Know that God is watching you, be careful how you treat your brothers and sisters. Take heed to the word of God, no matter what life brings know that God is still the answer.

God Bless

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Comment by MARIE on December 18, 2009 at 5:05pm
Happy Holiday's to you and your family may your New Year be blessed and prosperous.


Comment by David Velasquez on December 18, 2009 at 12:54pm
"If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."John 8:31-32

That's right sista - keep preaching haha

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