All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Do You Know How Much God Loves You?! =]

God's main desire for us is to be lover's of God and allow Him to love us. His love for us more than we can ever fathom. One of many demonstrations of this in the word was in Peter's life. Matthew 26 is where he stumbles and falters. Peter was still a lover of God. He did not believe in himself and was devastated. Jesus never misses a beat in our lives! Peter felt he was disqualified after such a stumbling. In John 21 Jesus goes after him. It is hard for us to grasp the fact of how much God loves us, even though we are immature. Psalm 103:14 tells us, "He knows our frame and remembers we are dust."

John the apostle realized he was loved. "The disciple whom Jesus loved" Peter who became too self -sufficient had to learn the hard way how loved he was. He may have faltered but he never fell away and vanished from God's love. We are all some what like Peter. We doubt at some points in our life we are loved. We also think we will never falter and deny God. Every one of God's sheep are capable of doing any sin but until we have that day of reckoning we will not believe it or see it as truth. We don't even know our own hearts. Our flesh is so weak, but Jesus told Peter he knew he loved him. He didn't ask Peter , "do you love me?" three times because he wasn't sure. He knew and He wanted to drive a point home to Peter that He knew Peter truly loved Him. How reassuring and kind our Lord is! He will never let us go! How easy it is to listen to the accuser. Our mind is a battlefield.

How merciful and understanding and loving is our dear Lord! How wonderful and new are His mercies every single day!! How humble it makes me because I too, was and am a Peter!

He never gives up.
He never relents.
He is MY Lord and MY God!!!!!!!!!!
His hands saved me from the utter most destruction of my own flesh!

Thank You JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~His little sheep~ "baaaaaaaah"

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Comment by sunsetstormx on March 5, 2009 at 1:24pm
Thank you.....Sometimes we need to encourage ourselves and hope it touches someone else.
Comment by sunsetstormx on March 5, 2009 at 5:36am
You're welcome Felix .. Just stuff God's been teaching me .... Blessings for your day!
Comment by felixpadua on March 5, 2009 at 4:41am
thanks a lot for this blog. it's nice to read writings like this for my spiritual growth with God.

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