All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Do you know that everything you do is an act of worship as long as it's in line with the will of God? I never really thought about it this way before, but Pastor John Hagee gave a televised sermon today that got me to thinking about this. He said that his wife had a revelation one day while at the kitchen sink, washing dishes. He said tears rolled down his wife's face as she stood there thinking about all the blessings in her life and realizing that that very moment, as insignificant as it might have seemed, was a great blessing. So, I began to think about how what Hagee was reflecting on could apply to my life in the things that I do each day.

Hagee's sermon really talked to me because I had been imagining lately how I just don't seem to do enough in worship of my Christ. However, thanks to Hagee's message, I see that I worship my savior more than I thought. I mean, I know the Lord beckoned me to what I currently do as far as school, but I have felt as though I place much effort into my academic studies while sort of asking God to wait till I'm done. I began to feel quite guilty about it too. Yet, I believe the Lord was telling me something through Pastor Hagee's message. I believe He was saying, Ginny, why do you fret about this...did I not bring you into this path...why then do you feel guilty for following it. I quickly realized that by spending my time doing what the Lord set me up to do I was worshiping Him the whole time. Yes, even while I study secular subjects in order to earn the position that God intends for me to earn. This revelation was a nice relief, as I felt a weight of burden lift off me.

So I ask you to think about when you worshiped God last. If you think it was on the previous Sunday while you were at church singing and praising God, think about what I've just shared with you. Know that Jesus acknowledges our works as acts of worship. It could be while you're at the kitchen sink washing dishes, or while fixing a car, or while disciplining your children in a Godly manner. It doesn't matter what you are doing, as long as you do it in the name of the Lord, as long as you acknowledge that you do it for His glory.

Peace be with you! If you acknowledge Him, He will acknowledge you and all that you do through Him and for Him :)

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Comment by Sandra (Sandy) Scott on March 25, 2009 at 8:32pm
I can relate so much to your life with all the upheaval after a divorce because my husband of 17 years (and high school sweetheart) left me. It was the worst pain in the world...the rejection and abandonment were so hard to recover from. The divorce was especially hard on our chldren because they were entering puberty and were so emotional anyway; I got the full brunt of their hurt feelings since I had custody. Watching them go to their father's on weekends left me depressed and unable to make a decision for quite a while. Thank God I already had a good job for an oil company and it helped me stayed focused because I had to make a living for my children. It is so important to remain close to Jesus, to study His Word and ask for God's wisdom because it's hard to make good choices by yourself while you're healing. I surrounded myself with Christian women, especially singles and I went to a weekly Bible study with them after we met for dinner. It was the highlight of my week. On my lonely weekends, we'd do 'girl things' and I'd even attend church with them because mine seemed to be mostly families and I felt like 'a fifth wheel'. God was so faithful to help me at every stage and eventually I met a dear friend at work. The only reason I began to trust again was because he was a man after God's own heart and Jesus was first in his life, too. We dated over 4 years; then married 25 years ago. The Lord is now your 'husband', your protection, provider and spiritual covering. The Lord is in the business of second chances and will heal all the hurts eventually. II Cor. 5:17 In Christ, we are NEW creatures - the old things have passed away and the new comes! Also, He spoke hope to me in Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord, "plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope."
God will be your refuge and strength...just as He is mine! Praise His Holy Name. Your Sister in Christ, Sandy Scott
Comment by journeyman on March 25, 2009 at 6:23pm
Thank you Ginny for this post. Once again I am reminded by the wonderful people here just what Jesus wants for us. I enjoy Pastor Hagee. I have known about this for a while. But, hearing it at this particular time is perfect timeing for me. God wants us to be happy in our walk with him. We can share ourselves daily with him in doing the day to day things God has placed in our lives. Thanks again Ginny. May God Bless you my friend.
Comment by Stacy on March 24, 2009 at 3:18pm
Wow, Ginny. I love this post. I am a woman longing to grow in my passion for Christ, to know Him, to worship Him, to Give Him Glory everyday and to live the life that God has set forth for both my daughter and I. I am a divorced single mother, who went through the grief (and is still healing) from a bitter separation and divorce. I wanted to make a comment on the "academic road," and the truth that God has a path for us- are we listening to where He is telling us to walk or are we walking in the world and not in His? I am a FT student at a local university where I started last fall, but only after I went through a series of losses, such as divorce, moving back with my parents, losing my job of 5 years that I LOVED, and having to drop out of physical therapy school because I was financially strapped. I began to see that perhaps the Lord was trying not only to get my attention (during this time) but He was telling me that I wasn't walking down the Road he intended. God must have been there pushing me to "not give up on my educational dreams" as two months later, I started at a university with absolutely NO idea of what "to study." I spent two years in PTA school and I was 8 months shy from a degree. Till one day when I was going to this new school (in an undecided major) that I read somewhere (perhaps on another online christian community blog) that He has a purpose for You, He had a purpose for me, and mine was to not give up on school. I felt that God spoke to me at that moment and told me, "Do you not see that you going to school is exactly where you need to be?" I felt that God said, "Stop doubting, have faith and work hard and you will see, Stacy...." It's like one of those moments that I felt like God was right there looking into my eyes telling me this. I was in a despair mode during these hours, so I know that his words were His gift to me, perhaps giving me Hope. Nearly six months later at this university, I embrace my studies. I realize that my place in life suffers financially being a "single divorced mother" that lives at home with mom, but I never fail to give Glory to God and acknowledge that "He always provides," and that... even in relation to this post, by working hard and serving Him and doing the work He is setting before You, I want to believe that Pleases God. Please tell me that is so! It is a huge undertaking to assume God truly feels this way when He isn't in the flesh telling me so, but in my heart He is, He is right there with me. I appreciate this blog. May God bless you. As I always ask of the Lord, please keep working on me day in and day out, and For you, I ask God keep working on you, because He has a plan for us. -Sisters in Christ, Stacy
Comment by Theresa on March 24, 2009 at 6:59am
Amen my friend and thanks for adding the 2 blogs here, Pat Robertson and John Hagee are on the top on my list of the people I listen to and take their advice, bless God, He is soooo faithful and I am glad that you got the chance to listen to them too.
God bless them and God bless you my friend, I can not wait to see all the good things the Lord has in store for you. I thank God for you my friend.
Comment by felixpadua on March 24, 2009 at 3:18am
God bless you, Ginny. Do your studies well and the Lord will be glorified through your studies. Do your work well and god will be honored through your work.

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