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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Real Healing

by Lahry Sibley

I’ve been a Christian for 40 years or so. I’ve been in lots of churches, various denominations, and listened to some great messages. I’ve also listened to a lot of religion and down right error. No subject has been preached on more than healing, no doubt. Why? Because we have lots of folks that are sick and infirmed. The other is that there is more emphasis put on physical needs than spiritual needs.

I was in a church for a time that regularly took prayer requests at the pulpit during service. 95% of what was asked for was physical healing in one form or another. Yes, we need physical healing. Yes God cares about our physical difficulties. But where is the balance. Friend, you can go straight to hell in a perfect body. You can also go straight to heaven with a sick one. Actually, you’ll leave both behind you. But a healthy body is not necessarily the key to spiritual victory and eternal good health.

No, I’m not saying that we ought to be content with our sicknesses. Yes we should pray and ask God for healing. But if that is the focus of your existence and measure of His love, I really don’t’ think your prayers will avail much.

Not even Jesus had “carte blanche” healing gifting. Some people He prayed for were not healed. It wasn’t that they lacked faith in healing. They lacked faith in Who He is. Take for instance, the man who was healed by Peter and John at the opening of the new church in the book of ACTS. This man had been there for years. He was near the temple gate. Surely Jesus must have past by him many, many times. Why didn’t’ Jesus heal him long before the day that Peter came by? Was it the Lord’s lack of compassion? Or did God have greater glory and honor to share with His children by allowing them to be part of His plan of love toward all men?

Surely it is God’s will for us to walk in good health. So what’s the problem, you ask? Well, there is no pat answer. Christianity is not a catalog of prescribed answers. It is a daily walk with God through the Son by the Holy Spirit. There is a trust that must be aligned between man and God. This trust goes beyond religious certainty. It goes beyond human wisdom and understanding. How?

Jesus said that He did not do anything unless He saw or heard His Father doing it. When the Father told Him to raise up that mother’s only son, it then became a certainty that the child would be raised. He did not have to pray the prayer of faith. He simply told the child to rise up, and the child did rise up. Jesus had all the power of heaven backing Him up. If we are His disciples, should we not do as He did? Should we not steal away to the secret place and be alone with God so that He can direct our steps rather than us going out on limbs of faith that have no objective fruit?

I’ve noticed, in my life, that 10 out of 10 people die. If a heart attack don’t’ kill you, something serious will. All will die in the flesh. No amount of faith will keep our bodies indefinitely out of the grave. I do believe we can all agree on that. This being so, then we must yield to the fact that some physical problem or problems will overtake everyone sooner or later and we will die, regardless of who is praying for us and for how long. No amount of fasting will keep us out of the grave. Does this mean we should not pray to God for healing? No. But don’t let the lack of healing after prayer crush your faith. Our blessed hope is not in our healing, but in the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Don’t let some preacher steal your salvation because he claimed you lacked faith and were not healed.
Yes, again, God has our welfare at the center piece of His love. So why aren’t more people healed? I believe the biggest problem is sin. What sin? The riches and cares of this world have choked off the word and have kept it from bearing fruit. Too much compromise, and too much permissiveness in our personal lives and in our ministry. Why? Because the truth of the Bible in regards to how we should live our lives is no more popular today than it was in the day of the rich young ruler. Preach the truth regularly today, and you will have a very small amount of people to preach too.

Smith Wigglesworth saw many people healed in his ministry. But not all. Surely he was more successful than most any other modern era minister. His key to success? Seperation of world and faith. Smith couldn’t read or write. His wife taught him these skills. Then she gave him a bible. He soon decided that it was the only thing he needed to read. And He would not read anything else. He lived before the age of TV. I’m dead certain that if he would not allow a newspaper in his home, surely TV would not have made it in either. He lead a peculiar life, saints, free from attachment to worldly passions. He stayed attached to God. And God told him what to do and when to do it. He was a disciple of Jesus Christ. He did things the way Jesus did them. He talked them over with the Father, and then obeyed the Father’s leading and guiding. Alleluia.

I believe that physical healing is part of the redemption victory. Again, God is more interested in our spiritual health than He is in our physical health. Sometimes sickness or disease keeps us ever before God and dependent on Him, whereas if we were healed physically, our health might afford us the opportunity to get caught up in idolatry, that is, dependent on our personal effort and ability rather than on God. Liberty is not always good to some.

There are some animals that do not need to be fenced to keep them at home with their master. On the other hand, others have to be corralled continually, or off they go into the wide open spaces. Sickness and infirmity are often a means of getting ones’ heart turned toward God and keeping it there. Had they continued on in health, they would not have seen the need for God and they may likely have lost their soul. That is not God’s will. God’s will is that all men be saved, and He will allow most anything to enter our path, if our path is not the narrow way.

A.W. Tozer penned one of my favorite quotes. He wrote, “God crucifies without pity, those whom He wishes to raise without measure”. See God wants us molded into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ. For that to happen, we must die, by faith and affirmation. We must present ourselves as living sacrifices. Flesh does not welcome death. Flesh does not welcome the cross. But if we are to live in Christ, we must die with Him. If we are to enjoy the fellowship of His victory, we must suffer death of our selves. If we labor to keep our life, we shall surely lose it.

The proverbs writer wrote, “trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding”. Take everything to God in prayer, but leave how He answers that prayer to Him. I don’t have to understand how God does things to be blessed by Him. I just have to believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

Now, about “faith healers”? In my humble opinion, 99.9% of them are a sham, a phony, and a disgrace to God. I’ve seen too many up close and personal. The same people that are in their healing line today are in it for the same thing the next time they come to town. I’ve only seen one person get up out of a wheel chair in my life. I’ve seen hundreds leave a service in their wheel chairs, discouraged and disillusioned. Very sad.

I believe that what God wants is for His Body to come back to Him. Come back to Him in faith. Come back to Him in worship. Come back to Him in personal relationship. Come back to Him in separation from the world and all it’idolatrous passions and lusts. We need to become a holy nation once again. Then we will see more people healed. But we will see countless more saved, and filled with His Spirit. Thanks be to God. I believe that is God’s heart and design for our lives. We must repent, and turn from our wicked ways, humble ourselves in prayer. We will find God there, rest from our labors of self righteousness, and healing for our souls, and our bodies too.

Now, in closing, I don’t want to imply that I am judging anyone’s personal situation, their faith, or their battles with sickness. Each one’s walk with God is personal and unique. Take your troubles to God. Make spiritual health your number one goal, and all other things shall be added unto you. God promised. He always keeps His Word.

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Comment by Lahry Sibley on September 10, 2009 at 3:45pm
Amen, thanks for the warm fellowship, Charles.

Comment by Lahry Sibley on September 10, 2009 at 9:18am
Dear Charles,
I have to try to regain my composure to answer, and yet, I don't want the preciousness of the moment to slip away. One of our great sins, dear brother, is to try and bring God down to our level of understanding. All of eternity will never reveal the complete wonder of God.
I have had an experience or two similar to the one you describe. Oh how they humble us who are so healthy. As will all the true things of God, dear brother, there are no "pat" answers. But I do agree with you, that if we can look beyond our flesh, into the realm of the kingdom of God at hand, we can see the wisdom of the Master, and the rewards that He offers to some very special people, who not only keep the faith, but use their infirmity to be a huge blessing to others, and often change the eternal destiny of many souls. Thanks be to God.
I think the church at large has lost the "power of God" because the church has lost the Spirit of God. God will allow us to make choices that are not wise. But we have to suffer the loss and the consequences of those choices. Even though we confess, and God forgives, sometimes the consequences last a lifetime.
I remember an old Hymn that helps me through times like this, Charles. In my mind I can hear brother Swaggart singing it anytime I choose too. The name of the hymn is "You Don't Need to Understand, You Just Need to Hold His Hand". My, my. The wonder of our Lord will keep us in awe of Him forever more. Dare we serve anyone or anything else but He. I can't.
I pray, almost daily, that God would use me in the healing of others. I don't need to even see them. Just to know of their situation is enough. I do pray for them. I would that they would all be healed. But this life is but a vapor, even though pain seems like it may go on forever for those who suffer with it. But oh the reward for those who persevere to the end, either the healing or being called home. Glory to God. And as you said so well, oh the influence she enjoyed in her own ministry, that she would have never had, had it not been for her situation. I'm sure that if you could ask her now if she would have changed a thing, she would say oh no! Alleluia.
A wonderful testimony, Charles. Thank you for sharing it with us. I hope many read it and are encouraged and blessed like I am. God bless you real good today.

In Him,

Comment by Lahry Sibley on September 9, 2009 at 10:57pm
Amen sister and I do pray with you that God in His infinite wisdom and mercy will heal you NEXT! We would all love to find an instruction sheet on how to get our miracle. It's there in the book, but not specific enough for our personal situation often times. Please don't ever give up your hope. For faith is the substance of things hoped for. I can well appreciate your situation and how you could miss understand what I wrote. I'm glad you now see that I'm encouraging comfort for those who are still waiting. Oh how we pray that all who read this will receive their healing, now! In Jesus' Holy Name we ask it. Amen and amen.
Comment by Ginnybee on September 9, 2009 at 10:33pm
Thank you, Lahry. I'm glad your article helped others. I simply think that people should never give up hope, no matter how long they suffer. God does heal, according to His own will. I absolutely agree that our spiritual health is more vital than our physical health, and I now realize and appreciate that your intent was not to discourage people from praying for their physical needs, but to ease their disappointment when a miracle fails to occur. However, when continued hope is all we have to hang on to in times of physical suffering, then that continued hope becomes quite important. We should not discard it because miraculous healings appear rare. So I ask you, please don't disparage those holding on to hope. God can do, and at times does do the seemingly impossible. The next miracle might be mine. :D

Be Blessed,
Comment by Lahry Sibley on September 9, 2009 at 8:45am
Mz Ginny Bear,
Here is the response I got in another forum. I hope this balances your perspective. Again, I am praying with you, that God will set you free.

Lahry ~
I must tell you that your post was divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit I'm sure for many to read, but it helped me tremendously. I cannot tell you how I've struggled with why God has chosen not to heal me. This is something I would love to cut and paste and post to my own blog with your permission, and credited to you. I used to attend a church that believed much like WOF, and I bought into it all, but the entire time I struggled with lack of healing in my body. The doctors don't know yet what it is, but think it may be a rare blood disorder. I'd been told by members in the congregation that I had a demon, that I lacked faith, that it was according to my faith, that I just needed to "buck up", and the hurtful list goes on. I am thankful to the Lord today that He has moved us to a new church that does not preach any of those things or make us feel bad because I've not yet been physically healed.

I have learned much through this illness, and for a time I am not working (although I've worked outside the home for 20+ years up until this illness) -- until things get better.

Needless to say because of a lot of this it has caused me to question my faith -- I do believe that God has allowed this because of the fact that I see growth spiritually, and for that I am thankful. There are some days that do seem very dark, but I cling to him and know that He is always with me -- even when it doesn't feel like it. Thank you again for your post. Again, it helped me a lot.
Comment by Lahry Sibley on September 9, 2009 at 8:13am
Dear sister,
This may surprise you, but I have others write to me that have read this article that have found, peace, comfort, and hope in it.
I'm humbly sorry if you were offended and I assure you I meant you no discouragement. It bothers me when people like yourself go to meetings where "healing" is advertised, and they return home in the same condition they left. Then they blame your faith or lack there of or sin in your life or whatever.
Good health, to me, is a blessing second only to salvation. Ask any rich person who is in pain. They would trade all they have for good health.
I am dredfully sorry you are in pain. I don't understand how what I wrote would discourage anyone to pray for healing. It is not directed at any one individual.
I can well appreciate your sensativity to this article. Again, I pray that you will forgive me and ask God to continue to make me ever sensative to the needs of others in such a way that I bless and encourage, rather than tare down. I am so sorry you are in pain. If I had the gift of healing, I would seek the Lord day and night for your deliverance. I assure you, I will press in for you. I pray that have mercy upon you and set you free from this aweful condition.

Humbly before Him,

Comment by Ginnybee on September 8, 2009 at 11:56pm
Dear brother, have you no compassion for those who continually hurt? This sounds like a scolding. Do you know what it's like to walk in your brothers' shoes? No? Then why not support their needs of comfort through prayer? Jesus said to love one another.

Now, I'm certainly not perfect, but my relationship with the Lord is pretty tight, and I walk a fairly straight line. I continue to seek Him on a day to day, hourly basis. He speaks to me and I am completely and totally in love with Him. Please don't judge the spiritual conditions of people who remain sick simply on the premise that they are sick. It is not good to assume things about people you know nothing about. And please don't scold us for hopefully praying for healing. God does heal. And until you suffer what someone else suffers, you cannot fathom his/her agony. So, please do not discourage prayer, faith, or hope. Jesus wants us to go to him for help, and He wants us to support each other through prayer, not keep our troubles all bottled up and to our selves.

If the Lord chooses not to heal me, I will love Him just the same. I've already been ill for many years and my condition doesn't disappoint me to where I feel less love or faith toward God. On the contrary. Similarly, I had a close relationship with the Lord even before I fell ill, thus your idea that God wants some people to remain ill in order to keep them in line is somewhat absurd, at least it is for many instances. It has come to me, therefore, that you are not well learned about the topic, yet, you have quite heafty opinions conserning it. I hope soon your capasity for compassion will increase.

May God keep you in good health, my brother. It is a true blessing!
In Christ,

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