Divine Endtime Revelation: Part 1
By Philipa Patricia Kuranchie
Brethren, the lateness of the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ cannot be over emphasized.
Everything in the sky, sea and on land points to that effect. As the Lord warns us in Matthew Chapter 24 and 25 concerning His coming, so is He doing through this book and many others as well.
On Sunday, 21st November, 2010, while at church, my spiritual eyes opened and I saw a clock on a wall and it
was a minute to twelve. Then I heard a voice saying: “My children, why have you forsaken Me? Get out of the dark. If not the darkest time is almost here. It is left with ONE MINUTE more. I can’t bear the sin of man any longer. Repent! Repent! My children. My children change. For one minute is not any long time. Hell is beyond any human knowledge. Human knowledge is not any good knowledge. Hell is not any good place. Change! Change! My children why have you forsaken Me? Get out of the darkness.”
My sisters and brothers, when I saw this clock and heard this voice, it brought fear into my parents and me and that moved us to seek the face of the LORD.
And on the following day (i.e. Monday, 22nd November, 2010) when we were praying, the Lord showed me a man on top of a hill holding a smooth but a crooked staff. Many people were down the hill. Then the man raised his hand with the staff saying “Repent for the KINGDOM OF GOD IS NEAR!” When the man finished saying this, the people started laughing.
Later on that same day, the Lord told me “This is a very important message; I AM COMING SOONER THAN MOST PEOPLE THINK! TIME IS UP.”
Brethren, let us remember that in Mark 1:15 it is stated that “The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.”
As if for emphasis sake, the Lord Jesus about three weeks after showing me the first Clock that indicated one minute to twelve, showed me another Clock on the 19th of December, 2010. And this time it was a Clock of Heaven revealing ONE SECOND to the hour. And to my surprise, great men of old like Moses, Noah, Abraham etc were all waiting at where the clock was. Later on, I saw someone opening the gate for the bride to enter.
The question now is, what is ONE MINUTE and ONE SECOND in relation to Heaven’s time?
“But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of Heaven, but my Father only.” Matthew 24:36.
“Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your LORD doth come.” Matthew 24:42.
While I continue to wait upon the LORD the more with my parents, the Lord revealed more to me concerning the lateness of the hour. So, on the 23rd of November, 2010, the Lord told me;
“I am coming soon! The world will crush with sea drying up, Fishes dying and animals disappearing. More than
earthquake clashes, the earth will burst with fire. You will have no shelter; I would care for those who love Me.”
After hearing this I went through the Scriptures with the help of my parents and found out in dismay that in Revelation 8:8-9 the Lord spoke of this “And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: And the third part of the sea became blood; And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; And the third part of the ships were destroyed.”
“And also in 2 Peter 3:12, it is stated that, “looking for and hasting on to the coming of the day of God, wherein the Heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?” Really our God is faithful so let us serve Him with fear and trembling.
On Sunday, 28th November, 2010, before going to church, the LORD gave me the following words; “Before I come, there will be a great storm. Nobody knows what kind of storm it will be. I am a Mighty God and can do anything at any time. Just take My words and let them be your advisor. Take it or else you would face your own storm. I repeat, no one knows when the storm will come and how it will be like. I tell you I will not inform anyone how it would be like, For My word is permanent.” Then I tried to ask the Lord how the storm would be and He answered me.
“There will be storm all over the world but I will not explain how. My children are disobedient to My word, they have forsaken Me. I will not talk but just punish. I just give My words and whether they take it or not I am coming. Time is up! Time is really up! You heard that I was coming long ago, but now I AM COMING SOON. I tell you the truth, no one can tell when. My sons and daughters I am coming sooner. Time is up. I love you all but you have forsaken Me. Why? Why have you done so, my children? Remember time is up.”
Dear reader, just open your heart to Christ today and accept him as your Lord and Saviour for He himself once said in Hebrews 3:8-11:
“Harden not your hearts, as in the provocation, in the days of temptation in the wilderness: When your fathers
tempted Me, proved Me, and saw My works forty years. Wherefore I was grieved with that generation, and said, They do always err in their heart; and they have not known My ways. So I sware in my wrath, They shall not
enter into My rest".
And on the 3rd of December, 2010, while in the wash room the Lord told me “The storm that I spoke to you about has began in Israel, it will move through the Middle East then to other parts of the world. Come to Me My children for I am your real FATHER.”
The Lord Jesus Christ on the 25th of November, 2010, again gave me a message concerning His imminent
coming. He told me “My daughter continue with your work and seek me more and I will show you more things. I love you so very much that is why I give you My words. I am coming soon My children, leave Me and you will
face eternal death forever. I tell you hell is greater than any human knowledge. I tell you I will love and cherish those who love Me. I am everything man will like. Hell is eternal, leave Me and I will punish you severely. You do not know what it is like and will be like. I know the sin of man and I say come to Me like that. Come! Come! And you will find eternal peace. This is My warning. Come! I love you so deeply and I am ever ready to listen to you. No man shall have eternal peace without Me. Repent! For the Kingdom of God is near. I love you. Do not blame Me if I punish you. My child continue to share My word, All My words. I love you. JESUS”.
Lovely one, I think this is timely warning that needs to be considered carefully as the time is running out for this world and its inhabitants. And the Lord has said, in Matthew 24:50-51:
“The lord of that servant shall come in the day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not ware
of, And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and
gnashing of teeth.”
Beloved, after this, the warning of the Lord about His coming came to me continuously and He asked me to pass them on to the people of the world. The following are therefore from the ever loving Father and Saviour Jesus
On the 26th of November, 2010, while praying at church the LORD told me:
“My children, the time is up. Come! Come! Do not listen to false teachings for time is up! I am coming soon and no one can tell when. I want to tell you that, this time I am really coming soon. Take My word or leave it. My word is permanent. My bride, continue with your work but it will not be long before I come. Just worship Me for the little time left. Wait for a little more time, for I am coming very soon! Take My word or leave it for My bride is ready and those who will leave Me will face eternal torture. These are My words, take it or leave it. There are two options, to go to Heaven or hell. If you disrespect Me and go to hell, you will have no other choice than to
face torture upon torture. Why have you taken the paths of stains? My children why? Why? Why? Isn’t My word enough for you? How many times should I warn you? Go on and make the devil your new god. If My word is
not enough, continue to depart from My word, then you will have no option than to perish for good and for
eternity. Forget Me and you will DIE and SUFFER. These are My words. JESUS.”
Brethren, let us be careful in these last days about what is stated in Colossians 2:8 “Beware lest any man spoil
you through Philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiment of the world, and not after Christ.”
“And they go forth, and look upon the carcasses of the men that have transgressed against me; for their worms
shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh.” Isaiah 66:24.
Beloved of Christ as I continue to wait more and more on Christ, He continued to give me much more warnings
which I cannot keep them without making them known to the very people He died for.
On the 5th of November, 2010, when I was at church, I experienced a severe headache which made me to leave the chapel and go and have some sleep in my father’s car. And while in the car, Jesus came and told me the
“Many children are dying and only I (Jesus) can save them. Poor children, they don’t know Me, only their parents do but even they do not follow My word. They trample on My word. And whenever they trample on My word, they step on Me and hurt Me seriously. Some do think that I am a Living GOD so if they hurt Me at all, I will
forgive and overcome it. Some think GOD is good all the time. So they will sin and ask for forgiveness today,
and tomorrow sin and ask for forgiveness again. No, No, I am a jealous GOD. And you can serve only one GOD not two. I will not forgive more and more again. Stop! Stop sinning. Stop! Change! Change! Leave your wooden idols now!”
“For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice
for sin,” Hebrews 10:26
After this encounter with Jesus in the car, my headache vanished and I went back to the church where my father was teaching on the topic “The ten virgins” taken from Matthew 25:1-13.
When I sat down for a while, the Lord opened my spiritual eyes and I saw Father God who was sitting on His
Glorious throne. And HE Father GOD told me: “Tell your father I like this particular topic very much. My
daughter Philipa, the book series one will finish today because I cannot wait any longer. Tell your mother, My
daughter to continue her good work. I love all of you. I sent you to this world for a purpose. You are God sent “.
Really the Lord is ready for His bride.And I want to ask, ARE YOU READY? Decide now because TIME IS SHORT! Spend your time wisely. Tomorrow may be too late. Do not say tomorrow is a new day so let me enjoy. Make
the choice now. Soon the choice will be impossible.
Later, on that same day, the Lord gave me the following words: “Some people claim to be Pastors, Elders,
Deacons and Deaconesses but yet they do not worship Me well. They just call themselves Christians but they are not worthy of My name. They are just church goers. Worship Me in truth and in holiness. Others think just
because they are pastors’ friends they can go to Heaven; they cannot! Do not be yoked with unbelievers.
Unbelievers you are not My children. You are not My children because you do not know me. Pastors, Elders,
Deacons, Deaconesses and dear people, I am coming sooner than you think! I love you. Je t’aime. Je t’aime
(i.e. French word for “I love you”) YESHUA.”
Are you a Minister, Elder, Deacon, Deaconess or having any responsibility in God’s church? Then remember that, “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.”-Matthew 7:21.
Dear reader, our Lord will never cease giving warnings because of the love He has for you and the entire world. Remember, He has not stopped loving us after all the brutalities we meted out onto Him. So, on the 10th of
December, 2010, while at church the Lord again gave me the following words: “Philipa, I must give you words. It is a must to give. Write this down. Read the whole of Matthew Chapters 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28.”
After reading few lines of Chapter 24, my heart was full of sorrow. And He told me, “because of this, I died for
you, Philipa copy all the testimonies and print out and share to as many as you can.” After this, Jesus again told me, “why can’t people love Me one bit? I need 100% of your heart not 20% or any other percentage. Most
people love Me 20%. Do not worship Me lukewarmly. Worship Me wholeheartedly. I love you but why have you forsaken Me? Later, He showed me, Matthew 25:31 and said, “Hurry, we don’t have much time. Read all the
verses and you shall bear more fruits. Be a person who cannot move without Me. Come to Me and I shall
receive you. I love you all.”
“When the Son of Man shall come in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then shall He sit upon the throne of His glory:” –Matthew 25:31.
Are you sure of your total love for Christ? He says He wants ALL, because He also gave ALL for us.
In Matthew 22:37, Jesus asked for our total love. HE said, “Love the LORD your GOD with ALL your heart and
ALL your soul, and with ALL your mind.”
I remember after watching the Passion of Christ, the Lord showed me His real crucifixion and frankly speaking,
no depiction of Him comes closer to the real one. He was totally disfigured. Some of his bones were broken all
because of us.
“But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace
was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the
iniquities of us all.
He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet HE opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.” –Isaiah 53:5-7
May your love for Christ be greater that any other thing even as you read these messages from Him. Do not
allow anything to come between you and your God. Worldly pleasures must not come between us and God, our Creator. We have to cherish our Lord more than anything we can think of.
Also the LORD has stated in Revelation 3:15-16 that, We need to be hot or cold as Christians so that we will not
toil in vain. He said: “I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So
then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth”.
Why do we allow such a wrath of God to come upon us whereas He has made a way in the form of Christ for us? Surrender totally now to Christ and save your life.
Brethren, I believe that as the Lord has said in His word that, He will never do anything, unless He has revealed
it to His servants the Prophets (Amos 3:7), that is why He continuously reveal His mysteries to me and many
others in these last days.
As we were preparing to go to church on Sunday, 12th December, 2010, the Lord gave me the following words:
“Do not waste this good time My children, for I am coming very soon. It is almost 12 o’clock and I am coming
very soon. I am giving you very short warnings now. That I shall not give such warnings again for I am coming very soon. I am almost there - My foot is about to move for My bride. These are My last few warnings. Your
Bridegroom, Saviour, Yeshua.”
“Then shall the Kingdom of Heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet
the bridegroom.
And five of them were wise, and five of them were foolish.
They that were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them:
But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.
And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Then all those
virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.
And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.
But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you:
but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.
And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage;
and the door was shut.
Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.
But He answered and said, Verily, I say unto you, I know you not,
Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of Man cometh.” -Matthew 25:1-13.
At church, on 26th December, 2010, the Lord gave me the following words, “This is the time I leave with My
bride. Now even news is evil (corrupted). This is what I call the everlasting swift change. Now My daughter,
take a look at the church. Some are in white; some are in black, whereas others are in both white and black.
Which do you choose? Choose Me because I am leaving now. Of course, Philipa, you have learnt from your
book, the Daily Manna that be like the lion that roars and the eagle that swings during a storm. But if you are on My side, you are like the lion and eagle that can even be much more powerful and can fight those who attack
you and trample on every storm”.
And the Lord then told me to go outside the chapel and see something. When I went, in a vision, I saw my own siblings in black and white garments. They asked me “where do we get oil?” and I said, “From the store over there.” Then they left the crowd to go and buy oil. Meanwhile the crowd went ahead screaming instead of going to buy some of the oil. Then I said in my mind, this vision the Lord is showing me is just like the ten virgins. The Lord then showed me three roads to choose from. One leads to Him and the other two lead to hell. And on one of the roads that lead to hell, I saw my favourite cartoons barbie characters standing on it. I then chose the road that leads to Jesus. After I had chosen Jesus’ road, He gave me a white beautiful garment that was on a hanger and I wore it. HE then asked me to go and urinate all the bad things in me since I have chosen HIM and I did.
One may ask “what is the road of barbie that leads to hell?” Before my encounter with the Lord Jesus, I was someone who really loved cartoons especially barbie. I even registered as a barbie girl at barbiegirls.com.
In fact, cartoons became like a ‘god’ to me. But thanks be to the Almighty God, who has shown me the way and I have put a stop to all these things. Beloved, if you are someone who also love these cartoons, please try and
put a stop to it. Value your salvation more than these things and focus on Christ, who is the Leader and Source of our Faith and is also the Finisher and make it to Heaven.
My fellow children, what Jesus has really prepared for us in Heaven is beyond human comprehension. Beauty,
fun, pure love, peace and what have you. So throw away all these and prepare for the coming of our Lord.
On the last day of the year 2010, that is 31st December, before going to church that evening the Lord gave me
these words; “My children I love you but now My love for you is going down, and if it goes finally, I shall regret
ever having you as My children. These are My last pleas. I shall never ever love you again. These words may
be harsh but I must give it. Let Me tell you what some people say 1. “O God has not yet come so I can do
anything”. JESUS’ comment, “Who is your God? It is the devil my enemy.” 2. “Let us sin for God is not coming now.”
“The day you shall see Me coming, you will know whether to sin or not. At that time you shall see the Son of
Man seated by the right hand side of the Powerful One and coming on the clouds of Heaven as it is stated in
Matthew Chapter 26:64b. It shall happen and happen now. Those who see the lateness of the hour shall feel,
know, sense, and have strange feeling about My coming. My bride will be happier than ever. I tell you, you
shall be full of passion for Heaven. Take My warning. I love you. JESUS.”
Also on that same day, at the watch-night service the Lord gave me another strong Message.
“‘Oh dear Lord’ some people say, but they do not know Me. I do not know them neither do they. I do not understand how and why My people flee from Me, a Holy God, why? Is it money you need? And that is why I do not love you any more, neither do you. I do not have any bond to put us together again. I AM is a Holy God. I AM and would be the I AM that I AM. We are about to take off to the PROMISED LAND. I AM is leaving! Good bye if
you are left behind.”
Brethren in Christ, let us remember that we are accountable to the GREAT ONE, GOD, who will never change.
And the day of that accountability is not far at all. For the scripture says:
“The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the
armour of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and
wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfil the last thereof,”
Romans 13:12-14.
(To be continued)
If you want to be part of that Body of Christ, please pray this prayer from your heart:
Heavenly Father, I come to You admitting that I am a sinner (Romans 3:23). Right now I choose to turn away from sin, and I ask you to cleanse me, by Your blood, of all unrighteousness. I believe that Your Son, Jesus, died on the cross to take away all my sins.
I also believe that He rose again from the dead so that I may be justified and made righteous through faith in Him (Romans 6:23). I call upon the name of Jesus Christ, to be the Savior and Lord of my life (Acts 2:21). Dear Lord, I choose to follow You, and I ask that you fill me with the power of the Holy Spirit (Luke 11:3).
I hereby renounce the power of Satan and sin over my life, declaring that I am now a born-again child of God (Romans 10:9-10). I am free from sin and full of the righteousness of God, in Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
If you just prayed this prayer by faith, the Word of God has promised that you are now BORN AGAIN! (II Corinthians 5:17). Welcome to the Kingdom of God! Now you have brothers and sisters all around the world. This is the most important decision that you have ever made. Take full advantage of it. Don't go back into the world. The world leads to death, but the fear of God leads to eternal life. At each moment you need to live like it is the last day, and the last time of your life.
Four steps will help you to grow in faith and grace:
1. Read the Bible (I Peter 2:2)
2. Pray (Romans 12:12)
3. Attend Church (Hebrews 10: 25)
4. Share Christ with others (II Corinthians 5:18-20)
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