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“Displaced Thinking”

It has been brought to my attention as of late, through the Holy Spirit, that men, husbands are deceived through displaced thinking. Mar 12:24 Jesus told them, "Are you not deceived because you don't know the Scriptures or the power of God?
Granted, God did say the woman is the weaker vessel; 1Pe 3:7 Husbands, in the same way, live with your wives with understanding of their weaker nature yet showing them honor as co-heirs of the grace of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered.
What man in his right mind, would take occasion to lord over his wife? If the woman, as Adam said, is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh, then the man would be out of the will of God, while actually lording over himself. This stupid man action however; does not give allowance or occasion for a woman to disrespect her husband. This wrongful action in fact should bring the woman to the throne of grace at the Lord’s feet, where the woman can make her request known. First the cry of her heart, even in her pain asking that the Lord’s will be done, then thanking Him for making it so. When a person continues to ask over and over and over, the same request, where is the faith in this action, so ask, believe, thank God and receive your answer, Heb 11:1 Now faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen.
Keep in mind, when Jesus said do not continue in vain prayers, Mat 6:7 When you pray, don't babble like the idolaters, since they imagine they'll be heard for their many words.
When women verses men, men for the most part lose in the communicative skills area, but; this is a good thing, as God loves to hear from His children. Remember though, if you talk too much, you cannot hear all that is said, when God speaks, it’s in the still small voice. Man was made in the image of God and women were made in the image of man, woman may have gotten the better deal, because the rib that woman was made from, comes from a place next to the heart. Maybe, women got the heart of God in the transfer, because men build Jericho walls around their hearts as a measure of protection. There in lays a prayer for women to pray for their men, ask that God tear down the Jericho walls of the man’s heart and fill it with His love. One other advantage of taking things to the Lord vs. man, Mar 10:27 Looking at them, Jesus said, "With men it is impossible, but not with God, because all things are possible with God."
There is nothing that the man can do to appease or fix any problem, but God is far more able and capable and yes, even willing to make things right and He will get the glory for it.
It is my earnest hope that you are blessed, because you put this into action, believing, that you will see good results.
1Co 11:3 But I want you to know that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of the woman, and God is the head of Christ.
The scripture does not by any means negate the authority or leadership ability of women, it is the proper chain of command that God set up, and should be followed. Women, be the leader God called you to be, Esther rescued the house of Israel in leadership and you ,too can rescue your household in the same fashion! God bless each and every one of you as you apply, with love, the teaching.

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Comment by maggie hancox on January 28, 2010 at 12:40pm
Awesome brother, and thank you.
Woman have been given a different strength, given in persuasion. As shown by the gracious actions of Esther.
God always makes a way, there is no injustice in being the weaker vessel, because of this gift he has bestowed us.
Our lower possition does not make us unequal, nor does it make us lesser, it just makes us different, and therefore created to opperate and function differently, while yet still fulfilling the purposes in which our Father created us.

A helper to man,a nurturer, and still as a representitive of Christs love.
Man is a protector, provider and representitive of Christs love.

Equality and unity with carefully planned, and unique giftings bestowed according to Fathers good grace and blessing to each of his perfect designs. For his glory.

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