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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Shalom,dear brethren.
I am messianic Pastor Johaness Dingome Biyick ben Israel,a native of Cameroon,Africa.
Thank you so much,to know more about my ministry the lord revealed me,and that I am happy to let you discover here today.
After my bachelor degree in Philosophy and Egyptology from the University of Dakar in Senegal,I went to France for a master degree after which,I went to the Hebraic University of Jerusalem,where I got a PHD in hebraic studies,and I choosed that opportunity to study the science of the Hebrews,the sacred science of the Prophets from Abraham to Moses,and revealed by the Lord Yeshua ha Mashiach,our Lord and Saviour,the absolute truth.

I left Israel after,for a philosophy teaching job at the Omar Bongo Grammar School in Libreville,Gabon.

It is there that everything changed in my life,because affected already by the social condition of many students,I created a social club,where those who had a bit could give for those who had nothing.

It is in that club that one of my students invited me to his church,saying my vocation was teaching,but not in the schools,but in the pastoral field.

After a very difficult time of pressure,and after well meditating I went to the church and,the next week,I went there again,before the miracle happened in my life.
I was hearing wonderfull things in my life,and deducted that it were from my kabbalah studies.

And someday,I had an apparition,face to face,with the Lord Yeshua ha Mashiach,our Lord and Saviour,the absolute truth,asking me to follow His mission ...
One month later I resigned of my work as a teacher,then become a seven years student pastor with the Universal Alliance Church of The Asemblies of God of the Pentecost.

I lived a hell in my days of pastorship studies,but the Lord was with me,and I have overcomedall satanic persecutions and peoples mockeries,insults and denigrations.Alleluia,the Lord was behind me.

Three years after I went back to Jerusalem for the confirmation of my call,what was done,and there also,I met with late sister and YHWH God sent child to me, Rubio Levy-Rubeinstein Helenah,who was sent by YHWH God,as she is the one who financially supported all the construction of our ministry,that is the Love One Another Chapel,the Orphanhood,and the community for distributing free food and cloths to poor peoples in the prison,the hospitals and other charity houses ...etc.

She was called to the Lord early this year 2010,and left our ministry really orphan,in so many many fields.

In our time of times of great egoism,I think sister Helenah is to be seen,accepted and praised,for she were really a child of YHWH God,and will remain in our hearts,spirits and prayers all the time,reason why we always cry her here,in this ministry she created,she,a jewish woman!.

And,as every spiritual missionary sent straight by YHWH God Himself,she passed away,after ending her missions in India,Tibet and Africa,where she built about 22 missions and charity homes.

And,until we meet again with her on heavens,we will cry the lost of our beloved sister.

And the ministry she helped us create, that is what I am talking to you about now.

Our Ministry ,beloved in the Lord Yeshua ha Mashiach,our Lord and Saviour,the absolute truth,is made of many small groups of goodwilling men and women,young and old,widows and orphans also,motivated by the principles of the gospel of the Lord,and His sole and main teaching on Love to all the children of YHWH God so much in need, from those abandonned in the hospitals,the prisons and other charity homes or simply,to those in the streets.

Our main purposes by creating this ministry were :

- To convert people really and truely to the original christianism-hebrew roots based on Love one another teachings of the Lord Yeshua ha Mashiach,our Lord and Saviour,the absolute truth,promoting values of virtues, altruism and in respect,for those we must help,no matter their differences.

- Our community,The New jerusalem Ministry, participates in many chritian-social,charitable and humanitarian activities here,such as:

- Serving in creative and new endeavours where the Gospel has not been heard.

Helping to encounter and celebrate YHWH God’s presence in the life, history, culture and faiths
of the people among whom we live,and with no discrimination;

- Having special intercessions for peace in Jerusalem and the whole of middle East.

- Collaborating with all our prayer groups and members to live simply and in
solidarity with the poors and marginalized people,with weekly charity assistance to the
abandonned ones in the Hosspitals,Prisons or other charity houses.

- Expanding prayer groups with multiple evangelisation campaign

- Programs of Free food distribution for the poorests of the
poors, with free distribution of second hand cloths,vessels,electro-
menager,food,bedshits,blankets or anything we're given, to the very

- Volunteer team to assist the pygmees population that we used to go to evangelise in the deep forest.

- Programs of campaigns of prevention of prostitution,homosexuality
abortion, Aids, Malaria and other STDs,and tropi cal deseases,with an anti-abortion policy association,led by my own daughter,who is Evangelist in our ministry too.

- Call and encouragement for Pastorship studies program,or any
other ministerial gift or simply function,for the orphans in priority,then the poor and life optionless children of the street...etc.

Thanks to YHWH God,all this makes that we are a ministry apart.

Our greatest success and source of power is our Widows group of prayers, the Youth group, made mainly of volunteers and other school children, to visit poor peoples in prisons,hospitals or certain charity houses,and provide them with second hand facilities like cloths, bedshits, blankets,first hand medical assistance or food,that we used to collect from goodwill families,who can donate to us,during our door to door campaigns.

Beloved in the Lord Yeshua ha Mashiach,our Lord and Saviour,the absolute truth,you can't really and faithfully with quite mind expand the gospel in this part of the world,which is a economical disaster,while ignoring some moral,human and social negative aspects and tragedies which are occuring here,would be impossible,so that is why we try to do the best we can,with YHWH God's help, and the Lord Jesus Himself,what Himself did while on earth physically,and recomaanded us to do.

That was my main motivation and source of inspiration,in creating this ministry.
Of course we can not save all the misery,but unable to save all the misery here,we are trying anyway at least,to do in the maximum of our ability,of our consciousness,our goodwillhood.

And in this,we naturally meet so many problems too:

We are actually finishing the building of our own new Chapel,that will include a Christian Cultural Center,for the promotion,expansion and propagation of the Gospel,with free showings of DVDs,VCDs and other free reading and eventual distribution of christian litteratures,writings and documentations.

This is going to be,we wish,the central point for the promotion and expansion of the gospel and christian images too for those who don't have a TV , in the Central Africa region in particular,and Africa in general.

For the needs,we have many,among others:

- Christian educational resources such as Bibles,with other instructive books, videos,audiocassettes,DVDs on Christian lives or concerts, evangelisation campaigns,images and films,because we sincerely almost lack everything here,except we are sent outside.

- We are GENERALY very much in need of all kind of Christian Litterature and other pamphlets for distribution and teachings,and DVDs (for our public show room in our Christian Cultural Center),in English or in French.

- We need also any second hand goods such as cloths, bedsheets, shoes,powder milk,conservs,soaps,plates,pots or/and any other second hand item that you can collect even from goodwill donators there in your environment,that we can distribute to poor people,and also the pygmees population(the first unhabitants of Africa) that we used to go to evengelise in the deep forest here,and who are in lack of almost everything,due principally to the fact that they reject any form of modern life,for their ancestral culture of existence.

The pygmees are these excluded human beeings,have been left in the level of animals,are totally abandonned by the society, and even the government himself beeing less preoccupated by those details,but much preoccupated by his economical and political crisis.

Actually,we also have here,this very important problem of potable water,which is quite important,in the large dimension of a catastroph!

We know that everywhere it is said water is life and it is true,...but here,water is becoming death.

We are very much concerned with this problems of water here,and almost all the spiritual leaders are concerned,because the quality of water in the suburbs here,is a clear and simple murder to the populations.

Water is killing instead of giving life here!

In all the suburbs and squats here,there aren't any water distribution system,and there aren't neither any water system at all in the new faster growing quarters and suburbs.

Even in the main towns,the actual systems are dating from the french colonial times,some forty years ago now,and no pomp or drill has been ever changed!
Majority of peoples faced to this situation,just dig wells nearby the WCs or the public discharges,unaware of the consequences of bathing with,or drinking such water!

Meanwhile, some Churches and other particulars are helping in making DRILLINGS,in the cloth underground.

But all the populations do not have access to those drillings,as one must belong to a particular church that own the drillings,or have money to pay from the particulars and other privates,who exploite it for sell only.

So, on view also of the general incomes here and general poverty of peoples concerned by the project here,we have put that plan also in the hands of the Lord on whom we rely to, to enable us at least, to dig about 2 to 5 Drillings which are necesarilly for the while, for all the poor people here too, and with no form of difference or distinction,to get clean,potable and pure water,to drink too,for free,at least,at last!

So you can see dearest in the Lord Jesus-Christ,the harvest is great,but the means for it are so small ! ! !

In expectation and prayers,we beg the Lord and help us to beg the Lord too,to send workers and mostly means for His harvest,for us to be able to evangelise and assist these people,His people too.

Sometimes we have some helps,and sometimes we also encounter in the majority of cases,some rejections,at times even insults at times by some incredules and pagans who oppose the expansion of the gospel of the Lord here,sometimes also discouragements or misunderstandings,even humiliations or mockeries, but we rely on YHWH God, that everything(good or bad)contributes to the goodness of those who believes.

Yet,we continue our mission ! For YHWH God,and for our brothers and sisters,for the gospel if first,and afterall,for it,all about.

My dearest brethren,I think now you have had a small understanding on threading this memento of what my life and mission is dedicated to,so please,always pray for me also for the on-going of my ministry and mission,and that this ministry continue being full with God's chosen children who are really willing to worship and serv Him,with no rejection or exclusion but Peace,Unity and love and understanding between all of them...

And I am so used and love doing it,that I don't see even if peoples regard or think anyting on me,I just love helping the mass of less priviledges who are around us in this world,and I have this particular habit of feeling another man's problems,exactly if I were the one feeling it.

This is in fact what brought me into chritianism,the deep teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ about Love and help and interest to the very poor.

Thanks dear brethren,for thinking always about the poors for,if you've never been poor,you can't understand what is being poor,in a world where some peoples have so much !

After all who wouldn't appreciate help if he were in that situation?

The key to giving is to always put yourself in other people's shoes.

Then think what would I need or like to see happen.

To love your fellow man as you love yourself is not only great advice. It is the second greatest commandment of all,the greatest commandment being to love God with all your heart, soul and mind.

You know,our response to the poor and hungry determines who we are and where we stand according to God.

That is why the Lord says and asks to apply in our life,His sacred law: Love your neighbour as yourself ...

Please pray also for me,dearest in the Lord Yeshua ha Mashiach,our Lord and Saviour,the absolute truth,that the Glory of YHWH God and His presence might be evident in this Ministry through daily actions and blessings of love,in the hearts who are given to me by God.

May Him bless you abundantly dear dear sister in the Lord Yeshua ha Mashiach,our Lord and Saviour,the absolute truth,that you always be that source of blessings,to others.

let light,and love and power restore the plan of the Lord Jesus-Chr ist on earth,untill we meet with Him soon,on His soon coming back!

Halleluia,and do receive here,men of God and dear brother and sister in Christ Yeshua,my ministry and I blessings from Africa,to you:

Yahwah Attah Adonai Elohim El Hashe'em our Heavenly Father and God hears and exaust our wish and prayer here and now:

May the Torah come alive, and the Holy Spirit cover you with His oil and blessings.
May we all His believers endeed,be covered with the Talit and recieve eternal wisdom and blessings.

May we become alive in the Commandments of the Lord.

May we see, feel, and live for our Great Elohiem Yahova.

And for you,dearest sister,I pray and send these blessings,as I pray for you in the names of Yahwah God.

The LORD bless thee, and keep thee; The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee; The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. So shall they put My name upon the children of Israel, and I will bless them.'
(Num 6:22-27)

In the name of the Messiah Yahshua,

Sha'alu for the Shalom of Jerusalum we eden'afrikyia and the land of Isreal.
For let abundance and all prosperity never lack but overthrow always,in your house.

Yahshua Blessings,and may the Lord our God bless you abundantly.
Your brother in Him,

Réverend Johaness Dingome-Biyick
The New Jerusalem Ministry

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