All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

December 31, 2012 . . . Before you say ‘good bye’ to 2012 …

Greetings! --perhaps you might like to print this, read ... and spend some time with it~

"There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under Heaven~

. . .a time to plant, and a time to uproot

. . .a time to tear down, and a time to build

. . .a time to scatter stones, and a time to gather them

. . .a time to keep, and a time to throw away

. . .a time to be silent, and a time to speak. from Ecclesiastes 3

How eloquent are the words of the philosophical writer of Ecclesiastes.

Today, the last day of this year, brings an opportunity for each of us-- "a season to", "a time to" consider--

Before the ball drops tonight, could we take a few minutes to consider 2012? Before thinking of where you would like to go in 2013, where have you been in 1-2?

What were the highlights, the joys for you?________________________

Count your blessings, dear one~_________________________________


Look around you even now--what are your blessings?__________________

How about the struggles, the trials?______________________________

'that which caused great pain or loss?____________________________

How did you grow in 2012, what new things did you learn? (might be related to the struggles you faced)____________________________________


'Opportunities you missed, wish you had back?______________________

'New relationships that have formed this year?______________________

Now, look back our ‘A season to’ verses--are there things you need to 'uproot'? Things you need to change or eliminate?___________________

Are there things that have begun that you would like to build on?________

There is so much value in considering where we've been, and what we have experienced, before forging into a new season. Most years, I have just let the ball drop, without any looking back at all. Sure, sometimes I’ve been glad to see the end of a calendar year, but never took stock as to highs and lows, trials and blessings, thanking God for how he sustained me, in spite of it all. So, I'm going to print this out for myself, and take a little time to reflect. I pray that you just might do the same!

May God bless you, my dear friends--


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