All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Death and Life Are in the Power of the Tongue

This truth from the Word of God will set you free. This is something I had been actively sharing with my family members & close friends in Christ.

Remember the next time you're talking, teaching, preaching, counselling or simply sharing with someone through the words of mouth, or just giving someone an encouragement, dealing with issues or just talking like you always do when your day are just too wrenching to go on . . . let's be mindful of our words. We may sow LIFE . . . OR DEATH!

Read the rest in the pdf version here . . .

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Comment by Peter TAN on May 26, 2010 at 10:33pm
Hi Mary! Thanks for your testimony!

Yes and so true! Up to date, I've seen and heard literally hundreds of such testimonies (in and outside the churches), especially we who are in the Body of Christ. The amazing thing is JESUS, not us! That's why The Lord told us that as His children, we have POWER through FAITH beyond explanation. See what The Lord desired for each of His child in Ephesian 1:3 (a translated version) "The weakest believer holds in his hands all that is ever possessed by the mightiest saint of God. WE have everything, because WE have CHRIST, and in HIM is every spiritual blessing and all that pertains to LIFE and godliness. Thus, we have what it takes to live LIFE as God intended." Amen!
Comment by Peter TAN on May 26, 2010 at 9:33am
In Audio terminology, our MIND is the mixer that is connected with many sources, and giving selected emphasis for each one (through choices), our HEART is the amplifier that delivers the power to the speaker- our MOUTH to speak!

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