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Damnable Doctrines: Why So Many Christians Will Go to Hell by Albert Montgomery

Damnable Doctrines: Why So Many Christians Will Go to Hell

by Albert Montgomery

.... A tell it like it is soul searching book that you will find hard to put down. This book will cause you to examine yourself on a level that you may never have experienced before. And if you think this is good, watch for the sequel, called "The 9 Commandments."

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Comment by Peter TAN on April 16, 2010 at 3:35am
Hi Sister,
Check this out:

First, before the WHAT, I will tell you why:
Well, being a Christian for so many years, I'm always questioning myself: "Did I really DO MY BEST to live for TRUTH after all that is said and done!"

First, having a spiritual hunger DRIVES ME to know more deep things about WHAT is TRULY living a Christian life and,
Second, NOT being content with my spiritual growth is what kept me searching (I trusted Christ to teach me and give me WISDOM through daily ABIDING), constantly drawing from the Word of God and reading good books from many well-known Christian-writers, teachers, pastors, scholars, theologians and evangelists, etc. And this is easy for me because reading is my hobby and favourite past-time.

Coming to your question about this book:
"Damnable Doctrines: Why So Many Christians Will Go to Hell." No. I am yet to read this book. I DO NOT have anything to say it, but I know quite well what to expect from books from the followings that really challenges many Christians of our age.

So far, I've (slowly but faithfully) completed reading several books (see my latest Blog on books I read) such as:
- "Christians Going To HELL." (By Pastor Seung Woo Byun),
- "Heaven Is So Real!" (By Choo Nam THOMAS, translated by pastor (Dr.) Yonggi Cho),
- "Divine Revelation of Heaven" (By Mary Kathryn Baxter),
- "Divine Revelation of Hell" (By Mary Kathryn Baxter),
- "Divine Revelation of Spiritual Realm" (By Mary Kathryn Baxter),
- "Divine Revelation of Angels" (By Mary Kathryn Baxter),
- "Triumph and Tears at the Judgment Seat of Christ- Your Eternal Reward" (By Erwin W. Lutzer),
- "The Bema- A Story about the Judgment Seat of Christ" (By Tim Stevenson)

And these books often challenges (like a wake-up call) me to ask myself (and many Christian) hard questions that lead us to TRUE SOUL SEARCHING about our own JOURNEY of FAITH.

To give you examples, my comment from reading a book "Christians Going To Hell" is this:
That WE have a choice. An important truth that has been forgotten by today's body of Christ. This is a strong wakeup call to today's Christians that do not take the warnings of God seriously. It really got my attention when the author said unlike us God does not exaggerate or lie, whatever He says in the Scripture He means it! You CANNOT be saved if you are NOT SERIOUSLY repented of ALL your sins continually! If you take the message of this book to your heart and obey God's will, it will immensely bless you by freeing you from all bondages of sins. The book is rich with excerpts from previous spiritual giants such as Jonathan Edwards, Charles Finney, Charles Spurgeon, etc. You really have to read this one!

And, my comment from reading "The Bema- A Story about the Judgment Seat of Christ" is this:
This book is what others called it A Story So Powerful You Will Want To Read It In One Sitting! Businessman Daniel Mathewson discovers that the way we conduct ourselves daily determines how we experience eternity. Be weary of half-truths and whole lies. If what you read isn't 100% in the Bible, it is false. . .
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his
body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. [2 Corinthians 5:10]
The Judgment Seat of Christ will definitely occur shortly after the Rapture of the Church. The Apostle Paul writes about it in (2 Corinithians Ch. 5.) While all hell breaks loose on earth leading up to the 2nd Coming of Christ, Christians will be with the Lord giving an account of each of our earthly actions while in this life.

I hope these books (The Bible MUST always be on top of all other books) will spur you on and constantly draw you closer to Christ as we become aware of our own spiritual condition and the condition of our hearts.

Thank-you for reading & be blessed my beloved!

Juz Pete ;-)

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