All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others


1. BE thankful for the power in the Blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse
you from all sin and walk in forgiveness!

2. BE conscious that you live by the mercies of God and you depend
on His Faithfulness, therefore you have nothing to be proud of.

3. BE full of the Holy Ghost so that the power of God will flow through
you in ministry to others for God is at work in you and through you.

4. BE bold with no fear to speak the truth at all times for truth has
to liberate captives even though it hurts!

5. BE faithful in giving the Word for it is able to save, heal, deliver
transform persons and situations for it is the sword of the Spirit!

6. BE fervent in prayer and pray without ceasing for the prayer of the
righteous avails much with God!

7. BE sober and vigilant and resist the devil and bring to naught his
activities wherever he is at work.

8. BE strong in the Lord and do exploits in the Name of Jesus Christ for
He has made you more than a conqueror!

9. BE aware of the strength and power of the covenant you have entered
into for your God is a covenant-keeping God!

10. BE steadfast in your commitment to God and watch God work
Sovereignly to do all He has planned through you for He never makes a

11. BE not afraid of the unknown but keep going forward for God is in
control of your life and all power belongs to Him Who is for you and He
will never leave you nor forsake you!

12. BE a worshipper who worships in Spirit and in truth, the only true
and living God!

13. BE occupied and take every opportunity to serve the Lord for the
night comes when no man can work!

14. BE watchful for the coming of the Lord is at hand for there is no
time for slackness now!!

Margaret Wright

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Comment by Margaret Wright on July 11, 2010 at 3:50am
Thank you Hannah for your comments.
I have printed them out and given them at our meetings, in Bible studies in Banks and have also laminated some and given it out on certain occasions.
They are a blessing to me as well for the HOLY GHOST GAVE them and many have been blessed!
All glory to the Lord in teaching us and helping us to grow in the knowledge and into the character of His .Son for this is His ultimate purpose for us,
With love and God bless
Margaret Wright

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