All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others Devotion

Friday, March 06, 2009

by Carolyn Baker

…for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. - 1 John 5:4-5

Prayer: Oh my sweet Savior – how much I love You! In this quiet moment of reflection You reach out from heaven calling my name. You ignite a flame of passion so bright it makes my heart beat wildly. The lists of things I don’t understand is huge - but in this moment Your Presence is as real as it gets - and there is no doubt in my mind that You are calling out.

As I look around at my brothers and sisters I can sense all the common emotions, feelings and fears that are common to us all. At the same time, I hear You remind me to focus on Your Face – turn away from the fears, anxieties, etc. that permeate this world. You have been training me for a long time to take my place in the battle that rages all around me. You have been growing, nurturing and helping me to the next level of my faith walk - where You wait to give me a renewed clarity of vision.

In his moment I sense such an incredible love coming from Your throne of grace as Your gaze falls on us. You alone know the depth of emotions and feelings that exist here. You are also reminding me: Matthew 18:19 - 20: "Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."

Quickly, I find myself turning to You and beginning to worship. Everything else pales in this moment as my eyes see only You, my ears hear Your “still small voice”, and my heart beats in anticipation of what You have to share with me.

Your promises begin to run through my brain and Your strength and Your power begin to fill up the weak parts of my nature. I feel in this moment as if You are giving me an extra dose of octane fuel so I can move out and move forward. I am acutely aware of how close I came to stalling this week - and in this moment I can only shout out praises to You my King for giving me a good swift kick and forcing me to step up and step out.

My pursuit of You is an endless affair. Everywhere I go You follow me. Every thought I think - You influence. It is almost as if You know somehow how desperately hungry I really am and how close I have often come to spiritual starvation – if you hadn’t intervened and drawn me closer.

As I pray I wonder about my ability to overcome. I am sure I am not alone, as many of us often find ourselves adrift on a sea of change that makes no real sense. I know You warn me often of the perils of complacency and a lukewarm nature – and this has often caused me to seek You out for new fuel to keep going. Today I am so grateful to understand that I am in a battle - and until I one day join You in heaven, I have to work hard and fight for every inch of new ground.

I know in my own strength I would never achieve my goals as the evil that exists in this world is oftentimes too much for me to bear. But You give me Yourself – the greatest treasure of all – and You instill in me a hope I desperately need - and a peace that truly does surpass my human understanding. The victory I receive every day because of my place as Your child constantly amazes me.

You are making me an overcomer - and You light my path every day with a laser beam of light I cannot find the words to explain. You cause me to triumph over evil – even if the journey is oftentimes bumpy. As Your Holy Spirit says in Romans 8:37: “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” I breathe this truth every day and find nourishment in its power!

You have helped me to navigate the often muddied waters around me - and You have given me the fuel I need to change course and flow with Your Holy Spirit’s power. I don’t know how You do it – but You do it all the time.

With You by my side I will never again underestimate the enemy or his strategies - but I will also never fear him. I have watched You pour Your Holy Spirit’s anointing on me enough to know You will deflect the darts Satan sends my way – as well as give me the ammunition I need to fight back - with Your power and truth. I love You Jesus - to You be all the honor and glory!

Reflect: I used to wonder a lot why I was allowed to see so much evil and darkness. I used to battle with God and argue with Him (still do to some degree) as I roared with anger at what I saw. God was patient with me and slowly over the years of training in His field of surrender I emerged to realize that I had power available to me to help me overcome the darts and arrows life threw at me. I acknowledge it hasn’t been easy - but today I am able to overcome and persevere in the midst of very difficult situations – all because of my faith and trust in Him. Whatever else you do, I encourage you to seek Him out no matter what your situation and take the time you need to rest in His embrace when you are wounded. We are in a war – but we also will overcome because we believe in Christ.

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