All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

This is a post that I got from my mother's church, I am expecting this to help me in my walk with Christ along with anyone else who read it. ENJOY!

If I live by faith and obedience, I can expect the Holy Spirit to do a most holy and wonderful work in me.

If I live by the Holy Spirit this is my faith, for I believe that the Holy Spirit abides in me; then I must also walk by the Spirit, this is my obedience.

I believe simply and restfully that my Lord has given me his own Holy Divine Spirit that is now abiding in me.

I believe in His gift and must trust that the Holy Spirit indwells in me.

His Spirit dwells in my inner most spirit.

I meditate on this, I believe in this, I will remember this until this glorious truth produces within me a holy divine fear, a holy divine reverence, a holy divine respect and a holy divine wonderment that produces a Holy Divine behavior a life style which shows that the Holy Spirit truly indeed abides in me.

I will learn to follow his leading and guidance that is life.

It does not come from my mind nor my thoughts, but from the Spirit of God.

Therefore I yield to God and I will let his spirit originate, operate, sustain and govern everything in my spirit and life style.

The Holy Spirit will manifest the Lord Jesus in my spirit life because this is his task.


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