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From My Perspective - - -

Does Copenhagen have any other implication beside Global Warming Concerns? Is Global Warming fiction or non-fiction? Are the claims more factual or more mythical? Is Global Warming a pandemic in the making? Contagion usually refers to the spread of infections and disease. One of the possible definitions adds the following: Contagion is “…the ready transmission or spread as of an idea or emotion from person to person.” Can or will this spread into other areas? There is the possibility of this being one part of the overall redistribution of wealth and the further weakening of capitalism in our nation. Why is that no one is calculating the overall cost to our nation, as well as the handicap it will be for the economy, as well as the defense of the nation?

An article by John Guerrerio was published in the Energy Examiner on September 2nd and raised a question: “How Much Will A Deal In Copenhagen Cost?” He writes: “…details concerning individual nations' needs are surfacing that are creating alarm. The dollar figures would be digestible if they were a one-time lump sum payment, but the figures being reported to be paid on an annual basis to 'developing nations' makes a deal in Copenhagen…highly unlikely. For starters, developing nations are requesting "between $500 billion and $600 billion every year for the next 10 years to allow them to grow using renewable energy resources, instead of relying on dirty fuels that worsen global warming"…Included in these figures are the costs associated with helping China, India, Africa, and Central and South America build out their energy infrastructure with renewable sources…The Financial Times reports that "the cost of reducing China’s total greenhouse gas emissions is likely to reach $438 billion per year within 20 years, and developed economies will have to bear much of that cost, according to a group of Beijing’s leading climate economists"…

An anomaly (deviation or departure from the normal or common order, form, or rule; an incongruity or inconsistency) is the decision by the United States to eliminate the nations’ coal reserves while “…China goes out and buys all of the coal, oil, and natural gas it can find with its own money, and then relies on the U.S. and other industrialized countries to build the infrastructure for its backup plan…China seems set on playing a game of cat-and-mouse with the U.S., manipulating the system for every last penny. Additionally, while a vast number of Americans expect some sort of climate mitigation to come from the Copenhagen treaty, China's government moves independently from the will of its people. It seems completely acceptable to the Chinese government to poison its environment, pollute the atmosphere, and kill its own people (from pollution induced health problems) if the U.S. and other nations do not fork over the cash for a clean energy economy there. The way China is structuring its behavior up to the Copenhagen conference, it appears as though they are using the gathering as an opportunity to extort money from the global community. China knows they are the number one emitter now; by holding that fact over the world's collective head, they just may very well be able to get their money. It all depends on whether the rest of the world values the planet more than they do their money.”

The Climate Control Advocates are expecting a “total commitment” on the part of the 192 nations that have gathered in Copenhagen. A danger is that some of this news and debate will blur the need of the genuinely poor and needy in the nation and world. In Proverbs 19:15-17 are significant words: “Slothfulness casts into a deep sleep, and an idle person will suffer hunger…Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will repay him for his deed.” When Peter was being sent to Cornelius (Acts 10:2, 31): His reputation was: “...He and all his family were devout and God-fearing; he gave generously to those in need and prayed to God regularly…continually…(An Angel said to him) Cornelius, God has heard your prayer and remembered your gifts to the poor.” It is obvious that our nation and its leaders need to be the object of our prayers. We need to be careful that cynicism does not cloud our thinking or blur our vision to genuine needs of the poor and other concerns. Don’t be discouraged – read the end of The Book (Revelation 22)! We Triumph In Christ! We Win! Consider these things with me!

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