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Conformed or Transformed...and who cares_ Romans 12.2

Would you say you are conformed or transformed—conformed to a secular world’s values and ways of doing things, OR transformed—transformed by the power of God in your life?  Think about it for a minute. 

If I were to answer the question honestly, I am sure I am much more conformed than transformed.  Oh, I have moments when I have fixed my gaze on Jesus so strongly that my faith knows no bounds . . . if he asked me, I could get out of the boat and walk on the water to him.  But more often than not, my gaze gets interrupted, and I look away, and like Peter, find myself sinking.  Not because of a lack of faith that HE IS, but because something else catches my attention, and I get sidetracked. 

Conformed or transformed . . . who cares?  Who cares whether are not your ways are shaped by the popular culture?  Hmmm, well, I guess it all depends . . . who or what are you living for?  I mean, if you look at your life as 77 years, plus or minus one or two, and that this life is all there is . . . well maybe that’s okay then, but it does seem rather unoriginal.

If on the other hand, you know there is a Creator God who keeps this earth spinning on its axis . . . if you believe he created you, and that he did so in his image, as an individual—a one-of-a-kind original . . . then, you know you have been made for so much more!  You know that this life is not all there is . . . in addition, you know that you are an eternal being, and that though your body will expire, your very being will not. And wonder of wonders, God gives us the choice to spend eternity with him or without him.  In John’s book, the Revelation of Jesus Christ, he tells us that in Heaven, there is no night . . . no darkness, no tears;1 however, the alternative is a place without the presence of God—think of the implications of that!  Eternity separated from God would mean no light, no love, no peace, no righteousness, no grace, no truth, no gentleness, no rest, no contentment, because God is the source of those. 

I choose a relationship of faith in him, and I don’t want to conform, I want to be transformed . . . ‘you?

Personally, Paul’s writing to the churches—especially about the character and mind of God—has made me realize how much more there is to learn and experience of God!  Paul’s letter to the Romans is full of passion for God, and has challenged my thinking about the deep life of faith offered to those who desire Christ. And as always, Paul is imminently practical, instructing believers in right ways of thinking and acting as followers of Jesus.  The book of Romans is rich with cultural and historical perspective--making us aware of the persecution of first century converts to Jesus Christ on the one hand, and on the other hand, building on the foundational truths of Old Testament teaching.

And now, Paul tells his Christian brothers,

       do not be conformed, but be transformed . . . I ask, ‘how?’ not ‘why?’

       by the renewing of your mind.

So I have spent a lot of time thinking, studying and praying about what it means as Christians to renew our minds.   >By renew, did Paul mean make new?  Make our minds new?   >By renew, did Paul mean replenish/ refill?  Replenish or refill our minds?   >By renew, did Paul mean enlarge / expand?   Enlarge or expand the capacity of our minds?   >I think Paul meant for the word to mean all of the above, and more.  Commonly, we speak of renewable resources, and our minds would certainly fall into that category!

Spiritual transformation comes about as we change our lives from the inside out.  It is the trifecta of the Holy Spirit, the Word and us working together.  Our part of renewing our minds comes with action and intention.  Seek first the kingdom of God and these things will be given to you.2  (These things?  What we eat, drink and wear)  Look at it like this:

But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides.3

The most important way we can make our minds new, replenish and expand our thinking is by seeking God first.  It is the first step in morphing from being conformed to transformed.




1 Revelation 21

2 Matthew 6.33

3 Matthew 6.33, Amplified Version

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