All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I have been inspired with a truth this week about companionship. In the Trinity (Father,Son,Holy Spirit) is this wonderful companionship called God. God knew that if He was going to create mankind in his image that companionship was going to be an important aspect of Humanity.

Jesus said that the commandments can be summed up in 2 commands which are to love God and one another.
Sin breaks companship with God and others.

This mystery is great; but I am speaking with reference to Christ and the church. (Ephesians 5:32 NASB)

God created Adam and said it was not good that man should be alone. God did not want Adam to ever feel lonely, so He created Eve special. Notice that Eve was the last thing that God created after creating everything else, not because she was an after thought, but because God was sharing with mankind something that was so precious to Himself.
He was demonstrating in the very act of creating Eve a wonderful aspect about the Trinity.

When some one gets married , it is a covenant of companionship with the spouse that you are going to be their companion for life so they will never have to experience loneliness. It was a gift to both of them.

We are seeing more and more lonely people in the world as the divorce rates increase, and the marriage covenant is compromised by the culture

The whole idea of companionship in marriage is not a primary focus for us any more, families are fragmented, men and women are living together instead of commenting to companionship and it is just making people more lonely and isolated. God hates divorce because for him companionship is a part of who he is as God.

God is a Trinity of companionship between the Father, The Son. and The Holy Spirit. they are complete, unified so much so that it makes them one.

Maybe it is time for us to take another look at how we as Christians have have allowed the world to affect us in our relationships, and realise that biblical values such as commitment to companionship in a marriage is God's way of helping humanity not to have to live lonely isolated lives.

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Comment by Pastor Bob B on February 15, 2009 at 7:28pm
He said to them (Jesus), "Because of your hardness of heart Moses permitted you to divorce your wives; but from the beginning it has not been this way. Matt. 19:8

So because of the hardness of men's(women's) heart there is so much divorce. That is sad when you think of so many Christians getting divorce. In first Corinthians chapter seven Paul gives some instructions as how to deal with divorce because God knew it was always going to be a issue that we would have to deal with.

We have to remember that just because there are so many divorces in the world that it doesn't change the fact that God hates divorce. I think he hate it most because of what it does to children.
Comment by felixpadua on February 15, 2009 at 6:00pm
if God hates divorce, why is there so many divorces in the world?
Comment by Pastor Bob B on January 15, 2009 at 2:54pm
Thanks for your comments Charles and Swtswan. My prayer is that God will do such a deep work in the Body of Christ that we once again will become like He is a faithful companion who will never break his covenant of companionship with us.
Comment by swtswan on January 15, 2009 at 10:26am
God Bless You Dear Bob; Yes I fear it is So about the falling away from what the Father intended for us, There is So much deal made on self-gratification, etc;... about doing what we want , instead of us clinging to the Father as we should be doing and what he wants, His will for us, and for us not to be alone, That we lose sight of the point that we have not asked Him to send the person we should have, That out of our own selfish needs, and desires we are the ones who pick out who and what we shall have to endure; by turning away from the Fathers will/ wishes/gifts He has chosen for us. We rush ahead foolishly and Ultimately reap what we sow. I am Sorry; I can only speak for myself, so take what I say with a grain of salt, please. Gods Blessings on us all. Amen

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