A person can be raised in church their entire life and have no clue who God is.
You see, there is a difference between 'believing God' and 'knowing God'. There is? Wait...you mean to tell me I can believe in God and have no clue what His personality is like, or His characteristics? Yep. That's exactly what I'm telling you. You see, God seeks the ones who are broken hearted. He draws close to those who have no hope, who have no future but only a past. He comes to those whose passion is of Him. A person can be raised in church their entire life and have no clue who God is.
I feel the leading of the Spirit to write this blog for some reason, may it bless you in ways I can't fathom.
I had a conversation the other day with a minister. We were talking about the Apostolic Pentecostal doctrine on the Oneness of God. We got deep in the convo and began talking about our experiences with the receiving of the Holy Ghost. Well, he said something that really made sense.
"Someone can be in church their entire life and not care about God. But when you get someone off the streets, and they are hungry, and they receive the Holy Ghost, they tend to stay with the church and are hungry for more. This is where the big-time preachers come from."
What I'm trying to say is, are we hungry enough? Are we as 'christians' wholeheartedly seeking the Word of God, seeking His wisdom, and asking for understanding? Are we praying so deep in our prayer closets that we forget where we are and pray until the sun rises? Or are we the 'church-goers' who are so numb and 'bored' with church that we totally forget about God.
You know, we sometimes put down atheists. They ridicule us for 'praying to air' or 'there is no God.' or the famous 'where is the evidence of God?" We usually tend to say, "He's all around. Look at the trees. And the skies, they proclaim His glory." But yet, we sit in church, surrounded by God, and don't even realize it because we are 'church-goers.'
We need to be Jesus-lovers. God-seekers. And the Saints of God. We need to stop thinking about church and start thinking about our hometown that is awaiting us. We need to be the children of God and stop allowing sin to take over. It's time to take a stand against the devil and watch him fall to his knees and beg for mercy to us! We are God's anointed, don't let the devil lie!
I love how people just want to only debate on topics to make themselves sound smart. No. You make yourself look like the type who wants to argue about something so pointless. Well, my God is God. My God reigns. The bible is the written Word of God and if all the church's were to obey EVERY SINGLE WORD in the Word, then the world would be a whole lot better. God bless.
Joel Osteen, in an interview with Larry King was asked "If an someone did not believe in God, when they die, will they go to hell?" Joel Osteen replied "I'm not the judge of that. I'm not sure." Joel Osteen should've seen this in the Word that whosoever does not confess the Lord Jesus Christ to be the Savior, then they will not enter the gates of heaven. Joel is an imposter, only focusing on the benefits of 'thinking positive' instead of getting down to the Word of God.
I agree with you, but I believe I need to go to a Truth based church to get the meat. Guidance is found at home and on the side of the street, but it is also an encouragement for me. I wasn't meaning to come across as if everyone needs to go to church, but it should be a conviction.
God bless.
Brother, your comment blessed me. I do go to church, but I do not worship the church. I worship the Spirit that is in the church. The Word says that where there are two or three gathered in My name, there I am in the midst of them. I believe in going to church, but a church of Truth and worship. I believe in having a man of God in our lives(because he is the leader of the flock-aka the pastor). God is still outside of church. I have prayed in the bathroom and have felt God stronger than I did at church. I have prayed on the grass outside, and felt God's Spirit being lifted upon me.
But God is omnipotent. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. His Spirit never changes, and just as the prophet Joel prophesied, He wil pour out His Spirit upon all flesh, and He is still doing it. God is still reigning on the church, and Joel Osteen will someday fall behind his 'sacred' pulpit. God will knock every liar down and they will try to hide in the last days but they can't. Because God has seen them.
God bless, brother.
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