All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Good day to all. I just wanted to share the sermon given today. i thought that i should share what i learned today, We opened with 2 Timothy 2:14-15 which states Remind them of these things, charging them before the lord not to strive about words to no profit,to the ruin of the hearers. be diligent to present yourselves approved to god a worker who does not need to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth. The pastor went on to say as he was preparing his lesson the spirit spoke to him saying Halt. so he pondered on the word and thought of Jesus and how he fasted for 40 days and nights and when he came down from the mountain the devil was waiting to attack him. The devil used the knowledge of knowing that he was hungry he tempted Jesus by telling him to turn stones into bread Jesus replied that man shall not live on bread alone, but by every word of God (Luke 4:4) H for hungry that even when we are hungry we must keep our integrity in tact. not to allow our fleshly desires to cause us to make decisions that will stop us from receiving our inheritance. A for Angry. Next we looked at Moses. Pastor called to our attention of how in the wilderness when the Israelites were complaining about not having water God told Moses to talk to the rock and it would produce water but instead Moses was angry and he took the staff and struck the rock which teaches us not to allow our emotional state to control the decisions we make. When we are in situations which we all have been in where we get mad and do and say things that we ought not and words are like a 2 edge sword we can kill with the tongue so when we get angry H.A.L.T and pray calm down so that we don't destroy anyone with the words we speak. We must listen to what God says and obey. Next is the letter L. L for loneliness The example given here was of Samson (Judges chapter 16). Samson's loneliness caused him to compromise who he was and if we are so lonely we will make choices that often times cause's us to forget who we are and what our mission is in life and in his case caused Samson to lose the gift of strength and his riches that God had blessed him with in fact it was an evil plan devised to destroy Samson and in turn he wound up in jail, but in his situation we can still see gods love for that gave Samson time to think and come back to his right mind were God restored his power(judges 16:28). And last we come to the letter T. T stands for tiredness. Don't tire out. u shall reap if u do not tire out. When u get tired u sleep and when we are sleep for that time we don't see or hear whats going on around us. Rest even God rested but don't tire out. The devil is a thief and a liar he seeks to devour and destroy us ever chance he gets he has no power over us so he uses tricks of his trade to get us to fall short of the glory of the lord. He uses us against us. But how does he do that? Through the flesh. What we see, smell, taste, touch and hear. Do not value the right now more than the things of the future. Matt 6:19-21 tells us to store up our treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust can destroy them and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasures is there your heart will be also. Our heavenly father has a purpose for all of us while we are here on earth mainly to do his will and to teach others of his will. Which in turn brings him glory. The devil has already been defeated all we have to do is stand for what is right and keep gods standards and will 1st. We must have a vision for our lives. Ask God to guide and direct our steps daily. Matt 6:25 tells us not to worry about our lives he takes care of the birds daily are we not worth more to him. So please friends when we are being tempted HALT and allow our father to help us along the way i am writing this today to give encouragement to all. The devil is so busy and wants to knock us all off our square and to keep us down but we can't let him win we must make a reply to the one that is taunting God and make God heart glad. Stay encouraged my Brothers and Sister we might have different mothers but the same father I Love u all and be BLESSED.

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Comment by Michael on May 31, 2009 at 5:32pm
That is some very impressive note taking Nikky....thanks for sharing that, we spoke on some of the same things today in Sunday School as well. Thanks again, you and your family B-blessed;

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