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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

What political party should a Christian belong to?

Whig? Democrat? Republican? Libertarian? Tippecanoe and Tyler Too?

I know, I know, forget all the above, and just be an independent.Webster says an independent is not subject to control, influence, or persuation of any central point, but relies on oneself to decide and act the way he/she determines the situation

Sometimes we hear the question = What political party would Jesus belong to if He walked the face of the earth today? That`s an easy question to answer. He would not belong to any political party, because He didn`t come into the world to be a statesman."For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world should be saved through Him."(John 3:17).

Jesus didn`t give a hoot whether Palestine was under Roman rule with a corrupt puppet royalty on the throne, or whatever.

No, Jesus would not be catergorized as an independent either. He did nothing on His own. John 5:30,"I can do nothing on My own initiative.As I hear, I judge; and My judgement is just, because I do not seek My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me." And John 12:49,"For I did not speak on My own initiative, but the Father Himself Who sent Me has given Me commandment, what to say, and what to speak."

Jesus alluded to His "political"position to Pontius Pilate in John 18:36,"Jesus anawered,"My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting, that I might not be delivered up to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm."

So, what Jesus was saying that He was "in the world", but not "of the world"; the same thing we believers say. As a certain song goes - "This world is not my home, I`m just a`passin` through."(on my way Home).

But, while we`re here, the Bible gives us a blueprint of God`s life-framework. Initially, we are to allow the Holy Spirit to produce His nine fruit within our beings. This will help us to br good citizens, bringing God glory. Good citizens vote. So yes, let`s vote for who we perceive to be the right candidates for office.

That brings us back to the question - What political party should a Christian support?

I submit that Christians should not be locked-in to any political party; and that includes being called an "Independent".I further submit that we can echo Jesus` words,"My kingdom is not of this world."

Therefore, Christians should take the stand of being (are you ready for this?) = OUTDEPENDENTS.

We need to devote more time, energy, and resources, to God the Father, God, the Son, and God, the Holy Ghost. We should focus on Divine Beings outside this world, which are permanent, rather than placing our hopes on the political slippery slopes of most elected officials.

Here`a a newsflash in case you haven`t seen it in your Bible : It doesn`t matter how eloquent, qualified, personable a candidate is; or check this - how much money is spent on a campaign, God chooses who He wants where, and when anyway. Please check John 19:11, Romans 13:1, Isaiah 45:7, and Amos 3:6 God created all things and remains in total control of all things.

A person might say,"Hey! If God is going to put in who He wants, why should I even bother to help or vote for anybody?"

Well, God doesn`t have to explain His actions or allowances to anybody. In faith, we do our part as His children. In this case, our part is to vote and pray.

Obviously, this country has had ups and downs since 1776 with many different people at the helm of government. As human beings we prefer the good times to the bad times, and we are sometimes convinced we know who should be in office.

Remember, the OUTDEPENDENTS will be "in-office" FOREVER!

Grace and Peace.

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Comment by Richard L. Broch, Sr. on May 10, 2011 at 11:47am

Greetings, Bro,


Thank you for sharing what was on your mind, Ruel. I respect and appreciate your feelings on this matter.

We could probably discuss, or even debate our positions till the final trump (or shout!) sounds, and we see Jesus coming in all His glory, and we`d still be holding forth.


As long as we`re both serving the same Master, that`s what counts............. amen?

You do what you feel is effective, and I`ll do my thing  -  all in the name of Jesus.


I expect to hear and see good things about you, and your work.


Grace and Peace.

Comment by Ruel Z Chavez on May 9, 2011 at 8:35pm

Thank you Brother Richard for your response.


I respect your belief on this subject. If it's fine with you, I just want only to share my mind on this.


How about the idea that the reason the "original mandate" in Genesis 1:28 was not fulfilled by the people of God was because of sin, specifically greed and failure to be faithful stewards of His creation or failure to rule the world under God? Some would call it either the "Creation Mandate" or the "Cultural Mandate." And the reason why Jesus gave up his life on the CROSS, saved His people from their sins and gave the Great Commission is yes to bring people into the kingdom of God and part of the task in that kingdom is the fulfillment again of the cultural mandate. I think the 7 mountains is coming from this framework. 


I am coming from Reformed tradition, which upholds both the doctrines of creation and redemption. I believe that the doctrine of creation tells us that God created man as a unified whole. He is both spirit and body. In the fall of man into sin, both this aspects of humanity was affected. Likewise, when Christ incarnated, he appeared in human flesh with a mission to restore man in his totality back to his Creator through the CROSS. I understand Christian ministry in this sense as a service of bringing the gospel in its completeness addressing the total situation of man.


To me, the doctrine of creation does not only entail a responsibility of caring for the environment and ministry to the poor. It also tells us that God created the invisible world, the visible world as well as man. The fall of man presupposed that the invisible world was already in rebellion against God. The sin of man affects not only himself but also the cosmos. Surely, the coming of the Redeemer dealt with these three areas of existence. In view of this, to my mind, it is proper to say that Christian ministry includes the supernatural (the strength of the Pentecostals, Charismatic, and Third Wavers), the cosmological (the strength of the liberals and liberation theology) and the anthropological dimensions (the strength of the evangelicals, conservatives and the fundamentalists).


Colossians 1:19-20


Grace and Peace!


Comment by Richard L. Broch, Sr. on May 9, 2011 at 12:46pm

Brother Ruel,

I have to tell you, in some areas I am super-conservative. Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ for one.

In the New Testament, Jesus was concerned with just two areas of a person`s life before He taught or preached to them - if their stomachs were full, and/or their bodies were o.k. (sickness, possession,etc.).

Please note: He didn`t care what they did for a living (to start with), tax collector, prostitute, or what was going on in the government at the time. I don`t think He was very concerned about the rest of the seven mountains either.


It seems that somebody is always trying to invent a new mousetrap, or design a new way to carry out The Great Commission.

But, if you`re going to have a job with them, maybe you can make the project worth-while.


And The Donald........... Only Almighty God knows what he`s going to do.

I don`t know if he`d be a good president or not, but he`d make it interesting.


Now, Ruel, I do not want to rain on your parade, or cast suspicions on anyone involved in The Seven Mountains.

To me (and I repeat - to me) the focus seems to be overly-balanced to the secular side of life. And maybe the strategy is to get one`s "foot in the door" from that angle. I don`t know...............

At any rate, I wish you the best.


Grace and Peace. 

Comment by Ruel Z Chavez on May 6, 2011 at 4:31am

Thank you Brother Richard for your post. While reading your post, I was reminded of two things:


First, it came to my mind about a website claiming to have derived their concepts from Bill Bright of CCC, Loren Cunningham of YWAM, and Francis Schaeffer of L'Abri. They now call this movement as Seven Mountains, which claims to recapture the seven mountains of culture including the government. The other six are: religion, education, family, business, arts and entertainment, and the media. It is my present conviction that I am now called to take my part in the mountains of business, education, and religion. Here is their website:


Second, due to my exposure to entrepreneurship and financial literacy two years ago, I came across with Robert Kiyosaki's books and through Robert Kiyosaki I encountered a documentary book by Edward Griffin with the title of "Creature from Jekyll Island." In this book, the history of the formation of Federal Reserve was documented.

Since encountering Edward Griffin, I became interested in what is happening there in the US. I came to know about Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich, whom I believe even though coming from different political parties are principled congressmen. I think you know better. That's only my impression in watching their You Tubes and surfing the net. 

Coming from a business community, we consider Donald Trump as one of our virtual mentors. I first read in his book, Why We Want You To Be Rich, a hint about his plan of running as US president. I was alarmed watching a video sometime in November 2010 when Donald Trump said that he was seriously considering to run for the highest office in your country. I asked myself, why would Donald Trump, a successful billionaire, would consider entering the political arena? 

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