Christian – what does that mean? Part one. Titus 2.11-14
‘Yeah, okay, CD…’ (That’s what she usually calls me) … ‘I might be ready to take a few more steps toward that relationship you have with Jesus—I cannot deny that what you have is attractive-but, I need to know more. Like besides the Jesus part, what does it mean to say that you are a Christian?’
We need a framework of understanding in which to place Paul’s instruction to Titus: “For the grace of God has been revealed, bringing salvation to all people. And we are instructed to turn from godless living and sinful pleasures. We should live in this evil world with wisdom, righteousness, and devotion to God, while we look forward with hope to that wonderful day when the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, will be revealed. He gave his life to free us from every kind of sin, to cleanse us, and to make us his very own people, totally committed to doing good deeds.” Titus 2.11-14, New Living Translation
Grace, salvation, evil, righteousness, wonderful day, sin - all referenced in this short passage, need closer inspection. See, many people call themselves ‘Christian’ but if asked to define what they believe—many do not even know—and one thing is for sure, they would be hard pressed to explain just what a Christian believes. I remember like yesterday the day1 I knew I had to search out these truths, and succinctly put them on paper, explain and defend my reasoning to others.
And don’t forget—whether you are listening by podcast, physically present in the room as I teach, watching me gesture with my hands … or reading this in English and translating it on Google translate to Swahili in Malawi, the standard upon which these truths are based is the Bible2.
These are the non-negotiables, (eleven of them), and the Scriptural support for them:
Essentials of the Christian Faith.
1. In the beginning, God . . . God always was—because he is eternal. He was not created. God had no beginning, he has no end. Revelation 4.11; Genesis 1.1; Revelation 22.13
2. The Godhead is triune – God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.
You will not find the word "trinity" in the Bible; however, it is a description of both a biblical and a present reality. I have grown to love the three-in-one, aware of the way each seems to minister to me at different times--aware of the plan of God-the-Creator for me in the vastness of time, space and history; aware of the redeeming, personal work of God-the-Son, both in his ministry on earth and in Heaven; and the comforting, quickening, wooing, convicting, inspiring, sweet Holy Spirit, who helps us in our weakness. John 1.1-3; Colossians 1.15,16; Genesis 1.2; Romans 8.26,27
3. God is the Creator. Genesis 1.1 through Genesis 2.33
God created the Heavens and the earth ~ Genesis 1.1
God created man in his image* ~ Genesis 1.26
*Created in God’s image vs. the incredible leap that evolutionary origins propose, that we evolved from what?? Seriously. More on this?4
4. Sin changed everything. Mankind was separated from God by sin. Genesis 3. [What is sin? Rebellion against God, choosing our way over his way; pride, self-absorption. Teen-aged students regularly say to me, ‘but I don’t sin.’ because they think the definition of sin is restricted to the ‘big’ things—murder, rape, stealing, etc. Frankly, because so many folks can make a case for white lies, as in the instance of protecting someone’s feelings, lying does not even make most people’s mental sin list anymore. Hence the reason that finite, imperfect beings do not set the standard for morality—the holiness of God does.
Because God loved us, the crown of his creation, he gave us free will--free will to choose to love him ~ to choose evil, (rebellion) . . . or good (obedience).
Romans 5.12 - One man-Adam, one woman-Eve: given everything to enjoy in the Garden of Eden, with the exception of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil--
Of that, they were forbidden. From the beginning, God required obedience of his children.
5. Grace ~ God's way of redemption. We were separated, but pursued by our loving God. He provided a way of escape for punishment of our sin. Ephesians 2.8 – For by grace are you saved by faith. It is the gift of God . . . as with all gifts, we must take hold of grace for ourselves to experience it. Salvation, being saved from ourselves and from separation from God now and forever, cannot be earned by maintaining a code or being a certain percentage holy. God does not grade on a curve.
Check out these essentials, backed up with the supporting Scripture references; there will be six more to follow!
1 – It was about eight years ago, and questions asked at Women of Passion, spurred me into kicking around in my mind, the need for elucidating the essential truths of Christianity. I was walking with another soccer mom, and turned to her and blurted out, ‘So Roxanne, what do you think we absolutely should believe in—you know, to have an authentic Christian faith?’ Yeah, that was at the start of our walk, and she turned and looked at me like ‘Really? Is this what it means to get some exercise with you?’ In hindsight, maybe I feel a little bad—it was the first time we had walked together, and she had no idea; she just thought we were out for a little chitchat and some exercise while our boys kicked the black and white ball around. But these are the things that keep me up at night … thinking, always thinking.
2 – Your Bible—need to know more about why it is the Standard? You can check out: What are you Holding in your Hands?
3 – The Creation Story -
4 – Intelligent Design -
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