I just wanted to share with everyone some holsome entertainment. kirk Cameron has a film out titled fireproof. it was a wonderfull film. at first glace i thought it was a story about a husbands love for his wife. i'm not going to spoil it for u but check it out when u get a chance. me and my 4 children have watched it several times and they all enjoyed it and understood it from my 6yr old son to my 11 year old daughter. and if there are any christan based films that u know of pass it on. there is so much that we cant watch that when there is something good we wear it out. i am a movie person and am finding less and less that we can share as a family. its so redicules nowadays that we don't even watch t.v anymore in fact we got rid of all of our t.v.'s except one and that doesn't even have cable on it. i use to allow them to watch disney channel but the shows are so worldly in the sense that if ur not care full they start to be a distraction from whats really going on and children will quickly adopt the attitudes of those on t.v. it seems as the children are the parnets and the parents are the children. they alrealdy grow up so fast that they don't need to start being grow any faster than time goes. we just encourage our children to be kids as long as they can cause when its gone its gone. all that dateing and kissing is unacceptable in our household and i won't even start on there personal lives that are advertised in every magazine and bus stop in america. these kids look up to them and not all of them are postive god fearing role modles. that was one thing that i have always admired about the Camerons kirk and his sister (d.j from full house) they gave up a career in the movie business for the very reasons i stated above. in this film he did an awsome job u have to see it. i cried for the love that christ has for us that was shown and expressed for us as humans in the film. i think that kirk relayed his message very clearly and i pray that he contiues to make more movies like this. i thought that tyler perry was on that path and i give him credit for his efforts but all his films combined dont mesure up to this one film. i could go on and on, but i won't so anyway like i asked if u have any godly based films please pass them on
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