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CHOICES – something to think about

CHOICES – something to think about.

What kind of choices do you make?

My first stop was at a Faith and Work Life breakfast in Newport Beach, a monthly event. Folks go to network, which is great, but I also love to hear from godly individuals who have something profound to say about living life to the fullest.  I am always looking for things to share with my corporate brothers.  Today’s speaker, (Jerry White), gave a compelling talk on the importance of the choices we make on a daily basis, using Joseph as his case study.   If you don’t remember the tumultuous life of this Old Testament ‘great’, Joseph made wise choices to do what was right, even when falsely accused and imprisoned.  His is a stellar example of a life of obedience to God, who was watching all along.  White commented that it has been his life aim to follow God, and in whatever God led him to do, to do it wholeheartedly.  We cannot see around the corner, but making godly choices is always the right thing to do.  Blessed to be with God’s people from various professional interests and to glean from this inspiring gentleman, I was also happy because my daughter sat right next to me.  She had made the choice to start her day in the gathering of professional Christians, which made her mama glad!

Being that I was only about 10 miles from my street friends, I made the choice to drive up to Long Beach to catch the tail end of breakfast and a message for the homeless gathering. My friend, Elbert, was sitting right inside the door, backpack on his lap.  ‘Hey, I got a place to live for 60 days . . . only thing is there are a buncha’ crazies like me, some addicts, and wimmen,’ he said through his crooked smile.  (The fact that women were involved really seemed to trip him up.)  ‘I jus’ hope I can get along—some of them people get me angry.’  ‘Oh, Elbert, I know you can—use some of that Scripture you know to calm yourself down.  Hey, who taught you about God?’ I asked him. (Elbert had volunteered some good insights several times in our Bible discussions)  ‘Well, no one really . . . I was bounced around foster care all over the Pacific Northwest.  No one wanted me.’   Choices,’ I thought.  Inside I felt that pang you get in your belly when you look at a deep wound or gash.  No wonder the poor guy is in such bad shape.  How many more are there like him?  

I chatted with a few more of my friends until Donna asked me for a ride to the train station.  We headed up the stairs, and I assisted her into my car.  As I let her out several blocks away, I reminded her of prayer meeting tomorrow, and she said, ‘I’ll try to be there.  Do you have any of those papers you gave out before, that teach us how to pray?’  And this time I felt a different pang inside.  ‘Oh, Lord, your people do so want to pray!  I made the right choice to compose a little instruction sheet so they can learn to pray . . .’ 

My last stop of the day was in Costa Mesa, where I met with my corporate clients, who choose to take time out of their very busy workweek to spend a carved-out time in the Word.  We discussed the ‘making Jesus Lord’ message that Paul preached. 

It is a choice of the will to make Jesus our Lord,

but it is a daily choice to let him be Lord—to actually

seek his will, and choose to listen and surrender to

his leading.

What an incredible blessing to choose to be people of the Word, and in the Word.

choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve  Joshua 24.15

It was a good day . . . a full day . . . with a lot of thinking about different kinds of choices, and how they shape our character, and our reputations.  Something to think about.


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