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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others



This brings our thoughts to a predestined person with a special mission to be accomplished by the end of that span of life.

There was such a CHILD OF DESTINY, OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST.  There were many prophecies about His miraculous birth, His sinless life of love and miracles, His sufferings and crucifixion, His death and burial, His resurrection, His ascension into heaven and His promise to come again.  Jesus Christ was not just a Prophet, a Priest, or a King but He was God manifested in flesh to rescue fallen man from sin and its penalty, from the dominion of the devil and be reconciled into fellowship with God through the sacrifice of Calvary thus producing CHILDREN OF DESTINY!

Every living person has life from God and is born in the kingdom of darkness, death doomed and under condemnation as sinners.  Whosoever repents and forsakes sin believing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, born of virgin Mary paying the penalty for sin and sickness, was crucified, dead and buried and on the third day arose from the dead for our justification, receives eternal life. This is the nature of God and is passed from death to life IN CHRIST JESUS and have all their sins remitted and become CHILDREN OF DESTINY!   The Holy Spirit grants them a revelation of the reality of Calvary and they are transformed into New Creatures when old things have passed away and all things have become new.  They are now free from condemnation and have peace with God and God becomes their Father-God!  They love the brethren and they love the Word of God for it makes them wise unto salvation and they learn that they are now CHILDREN OF DESTINY!

Through the Word they discover God chose them before the foundation of the world to be children of God IN Christ Jesus.  They were without hope and without God in the world, now worship God in spirit and in truth and have a blessed hope!  They discover they have a Shepherd along the way home to lead, guide, provide and defend and to restore! 

CHILDREN OF DESTINY enjoy the freedom from sin, from sickness, and are given authority over the works of darkness in the Name of Jesus Christ.  They enjoy fellowship with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, God’s  gift to them.   The Spirit God indwells them and He promised never to leave them nor forsake them.  They are equipped with a spiritual armor and told how to use the sword of the spirit and teach others of this wonderful offer of salvation.  They now have the pleasure of bringing many others into the Kingdom from the powers of darkness.  They are assured that all their loved ones are included in this plan.  They discover the ministry of prayer on behalf of others and for all their needs, His grace is sufficient.  They have an angel encamped around them to deliver them from all their trials.  They are given a blessed hope of seeing Jesus Christ face to face and to be like Him and live in heaven in a mansion forever!   They discover there is only One King in heaven and everyone does the will of the Father, and therefore obedience to Father’s will is most important.  It is important to be conscious of being a CHILD OF DESTINY and being determined to endure unto the end and be saved.  Their only enemy is the devil and he seeks through various ways to distract them or misguide them with lies and half truths but the CHILD OF DENTINY is not without power to overcome!  A Book of Instructions is provided for their journey from earth to heaven, their destination.  All who walk with the Lord looking unto Him as Author and Fisher of faith will reach their goals and be rewarded.   There are many warnings given in the Bible to keep the CHILD OF DESTINY from being caught in the snare of the devil and being lost eternally.

When the CHILD OF DESTINY realizes the great price paid for the precious gift of faith received, he will simply follow Jesus Christ and stay focused and seek to do the will of the Father in his life. 

The CHILD OF DESTINY belongs to the family of the only true and living God and is linked up with eternal issues. 

 The CHILD OF DESTINY must separate himself from sin, the flesh and the devil and walk and talk with Jesus Christ dwelling within him by faith and he will become a  delight to God and a threat to the kingdom of darkness! 

The most important world-wide event is about to take place – our Beloved Lord Jesus Christ is about to return for all those who are ready and looking for Him.

Are you a CHILD OF DESTINY?  You will know this miracle when you totally and wisely surrender to the Only Savior of the world, Jesus Christ.  HE is alive and HE is Lord of all.  Be warned this morning that this promise of His coming has no set time or date so do not be left behind when the trumpet sounds – BE READY!

Please read the last chapter of the Book of Revelation and let the Spirit of God speak to you, CHILD OF DESTINY! 

 You are a CHILD OF DESTINY because you committed yourself to God on the basis of the finished work on Calvary by Jesus Christ for you.

Margaret Wright


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