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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

"The picture of God's lamp shining on Job's head symbolized divine blessing and success." - Nelson's New Illustrated Bible Commentary

"Those that have the brightest sun-shine of outward prosperity must yet expect some moments of darkness. They are sometimes crossed, sometimes at a loss, sometimes melancholy. But those that are interested in the favour of God, and know how to value it, can, by the light of that, walk cheerfully and comfortably through all the darkness of this vale of tears. That puts gladness into the heart enough to counterbalance all the grievances of this present time." - Matthew Henry

With the start of a New Year right around the corner, many are wondering, - "What will 2010 bring me - as far as 'good times' or 'bad times' goes?"

Many are desperately hoping for "change" in their circumstances, relationships, position, outlook, etc.

In this message, we would like to closely examine a particular verse of Scripture and glean great Wisdom for the New Year - irregardless of what may come your way.

The verse is found in Job 29:3 and says - "When His candle shined upon my head, and when by His light I walked through darkness."

In this verse, you will see that Job - under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit - gives you the key to victory and success in life's journey.

"When His candle shined upon my head" - The "candle" in this verse is a symbol for life and prosperity. God is said to "light a man's candle" when He blesses him. In Psalm 18:28, David described it in this way - "For Thou wilt light my candle: the LORD my God will enlighten my darkness."

"When His candle shined upon my head" - It was customary to have lamps suspended from the ceiling...set up in the higher part of the house...illuminating festival or assembly rooms...and shining literally on the heads of guests.

"When His candle shined upon my head" - In his personal walk with God, the "lamp of God" - His Light - was said to beam upon Job's brow. This meant that he enjoyed special illumination from Heaven. It was an image of Divine Favor - of the light and happiness imparted by God - the Great Source of blessedness from above - to His servant Job. It also symbolized God's love in its fullness - shining down upon him - while casting no shadows of turning.

It surely is a Great Blessing to have God's "candle" shining upon one's head - to enjoy the "blessing of the Lord that makes rich and adds no sorrow" - along with special illumination from Heaven, favor, and happiness.

However, it is the second part of this verse that offers you the Purpose or True Value of the Light. It says - "and when by His light I walked through darkness."

There is not a human being on the face of the earth that is not - at one time or another - going to face "darkness" in his Journey of Life. The question remains - "How can he get through the 'darkness' without it affecting him spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically?

Job gives the answer when he says - "and when by His light I walked through darkness."

The "Light of God's countenance" enables you to walk securely through thick darkness - times of trouble and perplexity. When uncertainty arises around and before you, the "Light of God's grace" enables you to resolve it...walk without stumbling in the path of duty... thread your way through the deepest intricacies...triumph from morning until night in God...while moving straight in an even path. When placed in situations of misfortune and peril, the "Light of God's Promises" guarantees you providential guidance and deliverance. The "Light of His Prosperity and Peace" guides you in your doubts...comforts you in your griefs... bears you up under your burdens...and helps you through all your difficulties.

God affords protection, instruction, and guidance for His people. In places or on subjects that are otherwise dark, He brings counsel and understanding.

As one of God's own, you can enjoy the manifestation of His favor...the enlightenment of your understanding...and the enduement to comprehend subjects that are normally perplexing and difficult. Should adversity come your way, you have God's LIGHT to direct you - causing you to escape out of calamities, distresses, dangers, or difficulties. You can walk cheerfully and comfortably along your path - without any fear of darkness, the dark valley of the shadow of death, the prince of darkness, or the darkness of Hell and damnation.

Child of God, value the Light - whether it be the Light of God's Favor, Grace, Promises, or Peace. It is your "Guide" through the "darkness" - the calamities, distresses, dangers, and difficulties.

The "darkness" does not have to enclose you.

God's "candle" is shining on your brow - keeping your mind at peace and free from stress, fear, or panic. His "Light" is guiding you through your circumstances - whether good or bad.

So, walk in victory and success in 2010!

"Follow God's Light!"

May God Bless His Word,

© COPYRIGHT Connie Giordano - All Rights Reserved

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