Some of the most beautiful architectural designs in the world are bridges. Traveling over one, a person can take in breathtaking sights they would otherwise miss. The United States has its share of bridges with over 600,000. Unfortunately 1 in 4 of those is in need of repair. In Warsaw, MO where I used to live, there is a bridge known as the “Swinging Bridge”. It is a suspension bridge, built in 1928. Closed to traffic in 1979, it now is used only by pedestrians. I have walked across it numerous times and I can tell you how it got its name. If there is a breeze, you can feel the bridge slowly swaying back and forth. Another bridge in Warsaw is the “Mile Long bridge.” As its name implies, it spans a mile over Truman Lake offering beautiful views of it.
In the Garden of Eden, after Adam and Eve disobeyed God, a great chasm arose. It separates us from Him. We are in need of a bridge to connect with God. Fortunately, we have one. That bridge is Jesus Christ and it is this bridge that connects us with God. As Christians we use Jesus to come to the Father. He said in John 14:6, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” We must use Jesus as our Bridge to come to God. When we accept Him as our Savior through faith, our bridge begins to be built. We can navigate it knowing it can withstand all the weight we put on it.
As I stated earlier, there are many bridges that are in need of repair. Sometimes our bridge is also in need of repair. If we have gotten away from God, our bridge will need work, but it can be fixed. In the winter, bridges are notorious for being hazardous. Black ice forms on them and not realizing it’s there until it’s too late, a person can have a serious accident. Our bridge to God also has black ice on it. This is Satan. You won’t see him, but he is there, waiting to cause you harm in your relationship with God. And just like the ice that can’t be avoided, many times we slip on what Satan puts in front of us.
Slipping happens to us all; it’s how we recover from the slip that counts. If we’re repentant and confess our slips to God, our bridge will become stronger. If we get discouraged and let Satan have his way, the bridge will seem like more of an obstacle than a path to God. Everyone knows not to press the accelerator during a slip on the ice. Unfortunately there are those that will pay no attention to what their common sense tells them and will slip on one ice patch after another on their bridge with God. But that bridge is never beyond repair. On our bridge to God, we all have “under construction” signs out.
Many people unfortunately will never build a bridge that leads to God. In their never-ending quest for fulfillment, they will become slaves to drugs, alcohol, and sexual addictions. Each of these will be used as a bridge, but they all will lead to destruction. What good is a bridge if it only goes so far, then ends in nothingness?
In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus spoke of a very rich man who dressed in the finest clothes, lived in luxury, and had the best of everything. At his gate was a poor beggar, Lazarus, covered in sores. Lazarus longed for just the scraps from the rich man’s table. When both men died Lazarus was carried to Abraham’s side in paradise. But the rich man found himself in Hades and tormented. When he saw where Lazarus was he pled with Abraham to let Lazarus dip his finger in water and sooth his swollen tongue with it. But Abraham rejected him saying the rich man had everything in his life and Lazarus had nothing. Now you are being tormented as Lazarus once was. Then Abraham pointed out there was a chasm between them that no one could cross. If a person doesn’t build a bridge to God in this life, this chasm awaits them in death separating them from God for all eternity.
While it’s being built, there will always be parts of our bridge that we need God to fix, but because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross we know where our bridge will end-in the loving arms of the Father.
Being separated from God for all eternity should be the scariest thought on your mind. If you haven’t started building a bridge to God, I urge you to start now. The perfect foundation has already been laid. All you have to do is accept Him by faith.
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