All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Bringing long and lost back to the flock

Good evening and to some Good Morning,
To All who read this I try to write this as though it where a love letter. The book of John is bar non the best.
Today my Wife and I where joined in church by not only by my Mother( a long time Believer) and my younger brother who I feel will be returning to flock in short order. Like me his heart is very sensitive, and through the course of the ministry I could feel his heart tremble in the word. I could feel the layers of the mean and evil aspects of our world crack under the force of Christs' love for us.
He had come to our hose to take a motorcycle for a ride so there was a chance to talk for a few mins. I asked "So there Bra (Bro) what do you feel?" he says "I have alot of questions, but I don't even know how to form the questions or even exactally what they are." I wanted so much to just grab him and say so whats the trouble. I would have scared him and he would have been gone from the church and us agian. He said that he wanted to come to church more, all I could say is that I'll hold him to it and he didn't want me coming to get him. (cuz I would)
So folks... pray please for my Bra(Bro) and my Dad. He has not been to a church for worship since I was but a child. Love you all Your Bra(bro) in Christ, Todd

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