All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

weve already been born,once coming out of our mothers,second the day we accepted christ as our for christians therefore we should have two birthdays original and spiritual. i am sure the day we arrived on earth though little did we know then all the things we would have to deal with in life from the devil and the wicked people whove turned against christ and god.and before we accepted christ life was even harder,than after we accepted christ true or false?so being born a second time helps,though there still be problems. like the saying put the armour of god on to deal with and combat the evil of this world. as with life were babies,children,teenagers,young adults,adults and seniors.most people focus on daily life working,supporting families,you know typical stuff.yet i dont hear many say someday im going to be dead,what will this stuff done during temporary life mean then? us believers death will mean meeting jesus and god,relieved from all the heartache,hurt,pain,misery,suffering from the evil world satan and wicked people. perhaps why alot dont talk about death is they dont want to think of it.but if youre a believer you shouldnt fear death.those who rather not think of it tells me theyre guilty or know that if they dont repent theyre going to fry in hell when they needs to be in the minds of all people that just like we were born once arriving from moms,there will also be a day to erase our arrival and thats death.its coming sooner or later whether people like it or not.

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