My little brother who just turned 11 the 18th has just recently learned how to ride a bike about 3 weeks ago he has had a total of 1 bike wreck since he has started riding his bike and we have been taking him on bike rides but he got right back on and rode his bike home.
Today was a very pretty day with cooler temps and a good/strong breeze and I got off work early so me and him decided to take a bike ride and we ended up over by the city park which is probably right around a mile maybe a little under from our house. So we rode down around the pool and park and headed on back home. We were going good just talking back and forth and then he went to turn and hit loose gravel and the tires slide out from under him and he went down skinning up his knee pretty bad. We were going to head up to the library to wipe up the blood running down his leg but he was worried about the blood getting down to his sock so we took off his shirt and used the edge of it to wipe the blood up just enough to get up to the library when one of my friends mom came up to the stop sign and happened to have a napkin and we happened to have water with us so I use the water and napkins to clean up his knee and leg which lead me to realize he had a pretty good hole in his knee from the rocks.
Well he wanted to walk home and I told him no he needed to get back on it and ride home which meant riding up alot of hills. So we get up the first hill and he is just crying because it hurts and he wants to walk so I did the first thing I thought of I asked him if he wanted to pray to Jesus to ask him to help his knee to stop hurting and to give him strength to ride his bike rest of the way home and he said YES. So we stopped right there at that stop sign in the middle of the street and said a prayer asking Jesus to help his knee feel better, to make him strong enough to ride rest of the way home, and to get us there safely. It was a very touching moment for me.
We made it rest of the way home with just a few more tears got his leg all cleaned up and he seems to be doing fine besides being sore. :-) GOD IS SO GOOD!!!!
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