All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others


1. Who made the world . Gen. 1:1--25
2.The women who exchanged her home and all she had for an apple.Gen. 3:1--6
3. The voyage of the Big Boat. Gen. 6:14--22, 7:1--24
4. The boy who lost his Home by mocking. Gen. 21:9-20
5. The young man whom an Angle saved. Gen.22:1--13
6. The young man who traded his inheritance for a dish of pottage. Gen.25: 29--34.
7. The beautiful coat.Gen.37:1--34.
8. The boy captive who became prime minister.Gen. 37:13-36, 39:20-23, 41:1-44
9. A Baby's cry that won his way to a palace. Exodus 2:1-10.
10. A fit of Anger that cost good Man his Life.Number 20:10-12, Deuternomy 3:23-26
11. How snakes bites were Healed. Number21:4-9.
12. The woman who used a red cord to to save her life.Joshua chapter2and chap.6:22-24
13.The man who could not keep his hands from beautiful things. Joshua7:20-26.
14.A band that captured a city by marching around it thirteen times.Jos. 6:1-20.
15.Gideon's fleece. Judges 6:36-40.
16.The man who won the battle with pitchers and lights. Judges 7:15-22.
17. The king of the forest. Judges9:7--15.
18. The young man who became a slave by having his hair cut. Judges chapter 16.
19. The boy who could hear God's voice. 1 samuel.3:1-21.
20.The man of curiosity who looked in to a sacred chest and lost their lives.
I samuel 6:19.
21.The young farmer who went out seeking donkeys and found a Crown.I sam.9:1-27,10:1.
22.The Anointing of the young shephered. I sam.16:1-14.
23.David the Giant killer. I sam. chap.17.
24. Fast friends. I sam. 18:1-4.
25.The Boy Helper. I sam 20:21-40.
26. The Lame Prince. II sam. 4:4,9:1-13.
27. The killing of the pet Lamb. II sam.12:1-6.
28. The handsome prince caught in a tree. II sam. 18:9.
29.The prophet fed by the birds. I king17:1--6
30. The food that never grew less.Iking 17:10-16..
31.The chariot of fire.II king 2:9-11.
32.The man who used a cloak to get through a river. II king 2:13-14.
33. The minister's boy who were saved from slavery . II king 4:1-7.
34. A race For a little boy's life. II king 4:18-36.
35. The captive girl who returned good for Evil and saved a man's life.II king 5:2-15.

36. The Borrowed Ax that floated .II king 6:1-7.
37.The boy king who was hid. II king 11:1-12.
38.The choir who that won a battle by singing. II chronicle 20:20-24.
39. The most wonderful House in the world . Ecc. 12:2-7.
40. An eating and drinking contestwon by four Temperance young men. Daniel 1:3-15.
41. Three young men who would not Bend ,Budge or Burn. Daniel 3:1-30.
42. The man the lions would not eat. Daniel 6:1-22.
43. Three Fish Stories. Jonah 1,2., Luke 5:4-8,John 21:4-11.
44.The star that led to the baby's cradle. Matt.2:1-11.
45. The woman who prayed with her finger.Matt.9:20- 22.
46. Five girls Locked out in the cold. Matt 25:1-13.
47. The lost Boy who was found in the Church.Luke 2:40-52.
48.Mr. selfishness,Mr. curiosity,Mr. kind-hearted,Luke 10:30-37.
49. The men who were invited to a feast . Luke 14:16-24
50. The boy who ran away from Home.Luke 15:11-24.
51. Thirty eight years beside a pool and never a chance to getin. John 5:1-9.
52. The boy whose lunch fed 5000 men. John 6:5-13.
53. The fatal lie.Act 5:1-10.
54. The song that opened the jail's door. Act16:16-28.
55. Shaking off Vipers.Act 28:1-6.
56.Nine men who forgot to say thanks. Luke 17:12-19

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