All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Belonging … the unique circles of our lives. Ephesians 2.19

“This kingdom of faith is now your home country. You’re no longer strangers or outsiders. You belong here…” Ephesians 2.19


About 15 years ago, I started the red plate tradition in our home. Whenever someone in the family had a breakthrough achievement, or even a really important ‘first’, I served them dinner on a special red plate.

At first, the children pooh-poohed the idea … but it wasn’t long until ‘getting the red plate’ was not only cherished, but rather coveted. At a recent family dinner, Dylan celebrated his all-important 18th birthday, so he got the sweet red recognition, as well as his name and the date added to the rest of those recorded on the back of the plate. A month or so before that, when Danny earned ‘player of the year’ for his high school soccer team, he was recognized; but one time, I served a visitor from France her dinner on the plate. She beamed. Each time, it is a way of saying, ‘hey, you are special! We honor you,’ and it is one of our sweet traditions. In families, observing traditions and showing value to each other are part of creating a climate of belonging.

Showing support for each family member is very important. Each child should know that their skills and/or accomplishments are accepted and respected because the other family members support him at his games, concerts, or other events. Sometimes it is just the younger kids who get dragged to their older siblings’ events, while the older rarely show for the younger ones’ ‘less exciting’ games, etc., making the younger feel so much less important—if so, that ought to be changed.

Belonging is about having a secure relationship or connection with a particular group of people, and there is no more important group than the family. Besides traditions and supporting one another’s interests, sitting down to dinner together a couple times of week is terrific, as is attending church together when possible.

For teens, in particular, belongingness in the family is critical; otherwise, they will endeavor to get it elsewhere—sometimes through drugs, alcohol or even gang activity. Everyone needs to feel valued, especially at home.1

Since the average American worker puts in more than eight hours a day—the best hours of the day—it is really great to have some sense of belonging in the workplace. Ideally, belonging in the business setting works best when it comes from the top. When the owner, president or management team values employees as individuals, not just for a work product, it is known and appreciated. Cultivating a culture of authentic caring starts with personal contact, knowing and using first names, and creating times when people can get to know a little more about each person’s ‘story’.

“Make those under your supervision understand that you really care for them, not just for what they’re doing in the corporation. Anyone in a supervisor position has to do that.”2 That was Coach John Wooden’s philosophy when building and making sure his teams functioned at their highest potential, building on friendship, loyalty, and team spirit. Recognition of jobs well done, birthdays, and occasional company-sponsored social gatherings say ‘You matter to us’ and foster Wooden’s three values of friendship, loyalty and team spirit!

In these arenas or in a small group, church, or other community, YOU can contribute to BELONGINGNESS. Be an interested, committed participant who looks to encourage others, and add value to its purpose for being.

Why? Why does it matter? Because as my friend, Michael says, it is all about the love. Jesus said, ‘By this all men will know that you are my disciples, that you love one another.’3 Let’s love well! ‘Encourage one another, and build each other up…’4 Paul said. Yeah, let’s do it--let’s build into other people’s lives--loving, building up, encouraging and increasing all of our belongingness!


1 –

2 – “John Wooden’s Pyramid Still Standing”, Kristin Edelhauser, March 27, 2007

3 – John 13.35

4- 1 Thessalonians 5.11
Providing a Strong Sense of Belonging
Everyone wants to feel they belong. All humans desire a connection with someone who cares and to feel they are part of something bigger than themselves. Teens are no exception; in fact, since adole...

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